Mohamed Abohamer

5 Reputation

One Badge

4 years, 237 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Mohamed Abohamer

f1 := 0.001;
f2 := 0.002;
c1 := 0.002;
c2 := 0.005;
w1 := 0.1;
W := 0.14;
p1 := 0.65;
p2 := 0.28;
p := 1.167;
r := 0.004;
alpha := 0.2;
ze := 0.14;
mu := 0.05;
ga := 0.01;
cp := 9.3;
Rp := 100;
sigma2 := 0;
l[1] := 3*W^2*(-1+W^2)/(4*(-1+4*W^2));
l[2] := Rp^2*w1^2*mu*ga*cp/(2*(Rp^2*w1^2*cp^2+1));
l[3] := (*(Rp^2*w1^2*cp^2+1));
l[4] := W*(-1-7*W^2+8*W^4)/(8*(-2+8*W^2));
eq1 := (-x*t+l[2]*x+l[1]*x*y^2+(3/2)*alpha*ze^2*x)^2+((1/2)*c1*x+l[3]*x)^2-(1/4)*f1^2;
eq2 := (-l[4]*y^3+l[1]*x^2*y)^2+(1/4)*y^2*c2^2-f2^2/(4*W^2);

I need to solve these two equation for the variable x and y in terms of  t because I want to plot x with a range for t 

and the same plot y with a range for t and if it is possible to plot x vs y for the previuos same range for t

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