35 Reputation

One Badge

2 years, 57 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by NIMA112


Thanks so much.

Please see the attachment pdf file.

Is possible to solve differential equations numerically?




Thanks so much,

Please see the attachment in this regard.

I provided all of the boundary conditions.

the goal is to solve equations 6-30 to 6-33.




How do I resolve the singularity problem?

Thanks. But by consideration of your comment, the problem has not been solved thoroughly!!

@Axel Vogt 

Thanks so much,

How do you estimate singularities points for trial and error ?

@Carl Love 

Thanks so much..

My problem is solved


Thanks .

When I run the second line, the answer is

                     [GlobalSearch, Search]

What is the problem?

I completed the whole installation step.

Could you guide me on what the problem is? 

@Axel Vogt 

Thanks so much,

How do you find these roots?

@Carl Love 

Could you please explain why DirectSearch does not work? 

I encountered this error:

DirectSearch:-SolveEquations(Eq1=p_o-p_i,Eq2=F_a, AllSolutions);
Error, SolveEquations is not a command in the DirectSearch package


@Carl Love 

Thanks, dear Carl,

As I know, this method can guarantee the number of solutions. see more information at '

I installed the DirectSearch package, but I can not use the command 'SolveEquations with option AllSolutions'.

Could you please give me the command that you used?

I read this post and reported that sometimes DirectSearch faces some difficulties. Could you please give your opinion in this regard?

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thanks so much,

How do we find other roots?

I researched and found out that numerical schemes like Pseudo-arclength continuation scheme can find roots.

Would you happen to be familiar with this method?


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