
55 Reputation

3 Badges

4 years, 67 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Nick_99


I'm new at Maple, so I'm still trying to figure out basic stuff. I have solved an ode with t as independent variable and x as dependent one and I have used plots[odeplot] to plot x over t, but I also need to plot t over x. Any ideas how I can do that? Here's my code:

ode := diff(x(t), t) = 16250.25391*(1 - (487*x(t))/168 + 4*Pi*x(t)^(3/2) + (274229*x(t)^2)/72576 - (254*Pi*x(t)^(5/2))/21 + (119.6109573 - (856*ln(16*x(t)))/105)*x(t)^3 + (30295*Pi*x(t)^(7/2))/1728 + (7.617741607 - 23.53000000*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^4 + (535.2001594 - 102.446*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^(9/2) + (413.8828821 + 323.5521650*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^5 + (1533.899179 - 390.2690000*ln(x(t)))*x(t)^(11/2) + (2082.250556 + 423.6762500*ln(x(t)) + 33.2307*ln(x(t)^2))*x(t)^6)*x(t)^5

ics := x(0) = xlow

solx := dsolve({ics, ode}, numeric, range = 0 .. tfin)

plots[odeplot](solx, 0 .. tfin)

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