
Dr. Patrick T

2153 Reputation

18 Badges

16 years, 169 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by PatrickT

@damazz I have no idea what sort of direction Maple is headed, but my impression is that the recent developments show a desire to make Maple a pointy-clicky sort of program with pretty palettes.

Probably not what you were hoping back then when you were involved in beta testing.

Note that this is in blatant contradiction with Maple's inability to make HD plot export a simple and bug-free experience.

There are several hints about the direction Maple is headed, only hints but still telling, e.g. the development of an app for the ipad -- how many math geeks use the ipad for math? and if anyone does use a pad, is it not more likely to be android or linux based?

My impression from reading exchanges at mapleprimes is that many, if not most, of the regular users prefer the speed and simplicity of the Classic interface, do not use 2D math, do not own a mouse, would like the ability to run programs command-line style in large batches with a compiler, possibly with another interface altogether.

A typical mapleprimes exchange is a student with 0 mapleprimes votes asking why this is not producing the expected result: 2x*y and a mapleprimes expert will explain the difference between explicit and implicit multiplication and go on to recommend using 1D input rather than 2D. The student is never heard from again.

I do not have data to go by so my impression could be all wrong. I'd love to be contradicted actually.

@Kitonum I see, thanks for the translation, so we're blocked in Hong Kong too, scary...

@Kitonum I see, thanks for the translation, so we're blocked in Hong Kong too, scary...

Carl, that's very neat! The reason I visit mapleprimes to learn about math and maple is for gems like this one! Thanks.

Carl, that's very neat! The reason I visit mapleprimes to learn about math and maple is for gems like this one! Thanks.

yes I do see the image you just posted, which is stored on the mapleprimes server somewhere. I cannot say why I don't see your images at I posted a screen capture above. Maybe the text gives you some clue? I'm in Hong Kong, we usually have access to the internet without restrictions (unlike in China mainland), but I don't visit Russian websites so I don't know if we are restricted in some ways...

yes I do see the image you just posted, which is stored on the mapleprimes server somewhere. I cannot say why I don't see your images at I posted a screen capture above. Maybe the text gives you some clue? I'm in Hong Kong, we usually have access to the internet without restrictions (unlike in China mainland), but I don't visit Russian websites so I don't know if we are restricted in some ways...

Kitonum, I think I know what the image is, it has the name of the website, which I understand is a website where you can store images, right? Well I don't know why, maybe it is restricted in my country, but I cannot see the image I believe you intended to insert, but instead something in Russian (I guess) about that website. Do you see the image from your side? I'm just curious.

Kitonum, I think I know what the image is, it has the name of the website, which I understand is a website where you can store images, right? Well I don't know why, maybe it is restricted in my country, but I cannot see the image I believe you intended to insert, but instead something in Russian (I guess) about that website. Do you see the image from your side? I'm just curious.

thanks Alejandro for providing the context to this decision. My interest in the short form was not so much typing as making short statements fit in one line. It is sometimes awkward to indent short statements. Anyways, not a big problem.

thanks Alejandro for providing the context to this decision. My interest in the short form was not so much typing as making short statements fit in one line. It is sometimes awkward to indent short statements. Anyways, not a big problem.

once the context is provided, I can see where the idea came from, thanks for providing the history acer.

P.S. I gave up trying to write this as a palindrome. I managed only the title. I am no George Perec...



once the context is provided, I can see where the idea came from, thanks for providing the history acer.

P.S. I gave up trying to write this as a palindrome. I managed only the title. I am no George Perec...



Kitonum, I took the liberty of inserting the plot into your answer, I hope that's okay with you.

From my end (and I've noticed it many times with your posts), all we could see was some cyrillic writing. Maybe you posted the image on some other server, maybe something went wrong during the upload, not sure, as I can't read the text it shows.

I inserted the plot by 1. saving it from the worksheet with right-click action "export" as jpeg, 2. clicking on the green arrow in the menu above and selecting the picture and then uploading it and then inserting it and then selecting "done". 

Below is what I could read in your original post: EDIT: Inserted a "screen capture" so you can see what I see.

Kitonum, I took the liberty of inserting the plot into your answer, I hope that's okay with you.

From my end (and I've noticed it many times with your posts), all we could see was some cyrillic writing. Maybe you posted the image on some other server, maybe something went wrong during the upload, not sure, as I can't read the text it shows.

I inserted the plot by 1. saving it from the worksheet with right-click action "export" as jpeg, 2. clicking on the green arrow in the menu above and selecting the picture and then uploading it and then inserting it and then selecting "done". 

Below is what I could read in your original post: EDIT: Inserted a "screen capture" so you can see what I see.

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