
25 Reputation

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4 years, 248 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Pemudahijrah01

@Carl Love thanks a lot my friend.

@jganding thank you so much for help me. please help me again

@dharr okay.. thanks a lot for your help

@Carl Love Thanks for your help.. thank you so much

@Carl Love oke.sorry. thanks for remember to me

@dharr thank you so much


this is full of the meaning my parameters

N: the total number of individuals in the population
b: the natural birth rate in a population
mu: natural death rate in the population
beta: the rate of transmission of the disease
alpha: the rate of infectivity of the disease
gama: cure rate of disease
sigma: the rate of individuals who return vulnerable

@mmcdara Thank you so much Mr.. but when I claim my model is SEIRS.. is there the different with R0 that you have answered?

i have try it.. and the results is [length of output exceeds limit of 1000000..@acer 

Okay, thank you sir..

@Rouben Rostamian  

Yes sir, i have got it.. thanks a lot..but, i want to ask you about how to make a phaseportrait with just fix initial conditions like x(0)=0.6, y(0)=0.3, z(0)=0.3, not in range..@Rouben Rostamian  

thanks a lot sir..

But, how if I just have one of the initial condition like this x(0)=0.6, y1(0)=0.3, and y2(0)=0.3.. or I have to using max and min, like this xmin,xmax=0.1,0.6;y1min,y1max=0.0,0.3:y2min,y2max=0.0,0.3? Because, my syntaks are error..

Thanks sir..@Rouben Rostamian  

Dear Mr. Rouben..

how can I changes to the phenomenon of the portrait phase of syntaks you make? if i change Mu[2] = 0.38? because I want to see change and instability from both portrait  phase..

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thanks a lot  for your help..@Rouben Rostamian  

Waw.. amazing... thanks a lot for your help..@acer 

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