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5 years, 255 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by RLessard

Hi !
I have several infinite sommations to evaluate. Maple 2018 on Windows 10 often gives me the solution in terms of hypergeometric functions. I know that the solution can be expressed in terms of sines and cosines.
I am not familiar with sumtools or Sumtools packages.
The convert (expr, StandardFunctions) or simplify (expr, hypergeom) commands do not work.
Here is an example of a sommation to evaluate.
My old version of Maple V release V (1997 version)  gives me the desired result with the same commands.

Is there a command that forces Maple to give me the solution in terms of sines and cosines ?
I don't have Mathematica. I hate Mathematica with its difficult syntax but I have access to a computer with Mathematica.
There is a "FunctionExpand" command which converts hypergeometrics into standard functions.
For the previous summation it works very well.
Thanks !


Here's the recurrence equation I'm trying to solve and the weird answer that Maple 2018 gives me on Windows 10.

Out of curiosity, I started my old computer with  Windows 2000 and Maple V release V (1997 version).
I typed the same lines as before. I got the answer I was looking for immediately.
Answer which I easily improved.
What's happening ?     What am I doing wrong ?

I am often excited by the the latest versions of Maple but recently I have been rather surprised by the things it cannot do.
When that happens, I remember the story of the guy who wants to sell a great watch to another guy.
"This watch is full of new gadgets:
 gps, heart rate, body temperature, outside temperature, micro camera, voice recorder, email, internet ...
Only one problem . It doesn't tell time . "
Best regards .
 1)  Copy/paste problem .
 Looks like Maple is not able to copy/paste the output
 from a summation command . Look at my example .
 I have to use the  " lprint " command .
2)   Mysterious small box character .
 Suppose I want to edit a command . I want to replace a character with a left bracket
 (or right bracket or left accolade but strangely not the right accolade).
 I put the cursor on the character and type the left bracket (or right...) .
 The left bracket ( or right ...)  is inserted . Now when I try to delete the character,
 a small box appear . The  character I am trying to delete is shifting to the right .
  Like  I said , just a little annoying .
3)  Open file problem .
 The first file I open in Maple with the  ctrl-o command , the "open file window" appears in
  the center of the screen . All the others files I am opening , the "open file window"  show up
  in the bottom left corner , top center or top right corner ... randomly .
  Very annoying on a 27" screen . For this last one ,I am not shure  if it is a Maple 2018 problem
   or a Windows 10 64 bits problem . I have few programs in my computer .
  When I use Microsoft Paint or Wordpad ,I don't see this problem .
  I don't know if somebody else can confirm those annoying things . If I am not the only one
  then I am hoping the next updates or versions will fix that .
    Thanks !
Hi !
I made a program that solves a series of system of linear equations of increasing dimension.
Equations with rational numbers. I have a list of equations "liseq1" and a list of variables "lisvar1".
I use the following command :
solve(liseq1,lisvar1) ;
When the equation system reaches dimension 32, Maple gives me the following error message :
"Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-Modular:-IntegerLinearSolve) invalid arguments to iratrecon" .
It is an overdetermined system with 33 equations and 32 unknowns .
The variables are defined with the command:
 x: = array (0..31) ;
I managed to work around the problem by replacing the variables with the following commands :
lissub: = seq (x[i] = x||i, i = 0..31) ;
lisvar2: = subs(lissub, lisvar1) ;
liseq2: = subs(lissub, liseq1) ;
solve (liseq2, lisvar2);
If you run the file I sent, Maple sometimes gives the desired answer but in a random way
because if you run the last 3 lines in a different order you will get the answer or the
error message .
Something remains in memory. Sorry, but it's a bug.
I have Windows 10, 64 bit with Maple 2018.2.
Regards .
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