Ralph Wallace

5 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 290 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ralph Wallace

Thank you very much. I had tried a lot of things before, but always used P;ptPosition vector. I'll work on the animation.

Thanks again,

Ralph Wallace


Thank you very much. I had tried a lot of things before, but always used P;ptPosition vector. I'll work on the animation.

Thanks again,

Ralph Wallace


Hi, Thanks for the very nice package. I tried to use PolynomialMultiply from the OrthogonalSeries package but got "Error, (in OrthogonalSeries:-PolynomialMultiply) invalid input: OrthogonalSeries:-PolynomialMultiply expects its 2nd argument, S, to be of type specfunc(anything, ORTHOGONALSERIES), but received FourierSeries:-FOURIERSERIES(S)". It would be nice to have this for perturbation solutions of DE. Thanks again for the fine package. Ralph
I hope that I can use the document mode. I found after using Math Type that the learning curve of Maple 10 was too steep. I have high hopes for Maple 11. Cheers, Ralph
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