
216 Reputation

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17 years, 110 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Ratch


I don't know what to say about that.  The *.mw file downloads OK on my machine, and the sort command is solidly in place.  Since it is such a simple equation, why don't you manually enter it yourself and see what happens.


Specifiying subscripted variables with backward quotation marks works, but I would like it to also work with Control + Underscore like it should.  Do you know of a patch Maple has put out that fixes this?  Ratch

Thanks everyone for your responses.  Ratch

Thanks everyone for answering this.  Ratch

Thank you all for answering this question.  Ratch


Thank you, now I understand it.  I really appreciate your patience and the diagrams you posted.  They helped a lot.



Download VectorCalculus.mw

I almost understand what you are saying.  That picture was a big help.  The minus value comes from the 90 degree rotation.  But I cannot understand the component numbers 4.60,1.96 from the attached example where the rotation is only 30 degrees.  Could you explain those numbers.  Ratch

I am afraid I still don't get it.  How can the radius [r] be expressed by cartesian cordinates <0,1> when it is supposed to be directionless?  How can the angle [theta] be expressed by cartesian coordinates <-1,0> when it is supposed to be lengthless?  And where does the minus sign come from in on u[theta] = <-1,0> when the angle is positive?  Also it appears to take two parameters each to express the radius and angle.  I think there is something I am missing in the definitions or nomenclature.  Ratch

To All,

I think I found the solution to my problem.  I use just plain subscripts, not atomic subscripts.  As the example shows, this can be a problem if the base variable is defined before the subscripted variable is.  But if one defines a variable with a subscript of a space, it looks just like the base variable does, and does not hang up when part of a complicated expression.  See the attached worksheet.




Thank you for your explanation, insight, and examples.  I shall study what you posted and implement what you showed me in future Maple applications.  Ratch

1) OK, see the attached worksheet.  The results from fsolve are given.  Why should I have to input rp and rhol on another line so I can use them in the later integration?  Why should not the results not be available to the rest of the program.  That is what I mean by global.

2)  Notice the program runs OK as it is.  Now copy rp=0.0061538446156 from the fsolve result, and overwrite the rp=0.0061538446156 on the next line.  Also insert a ":" to make it an assignment.  Then run the program again, and notice that it errors.  That is because the subscript that was there before was an atomic subscript, and the one replaced by the subscript from fsolve is a index subscript.  That makes the following  integral evaluation fail because the rp in the integral  limit is a atomic variable, which is nowhere defined right now.  Now make rp on line (3) a atomic variable by typing in r followed by a control-shift-underscore.  That should make the program run OK.  So, fsolve took in rp as a atomic variable and changed it to a index variable.  What came out was different than what went in.  Ratch

View 6782_fsolve example.mw on MapleNet or Download 6782_fsolve example.mw
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     Thanks, that sure did help.  I will post the worksheet next time.   I still wonder about FSOLVE squawking about having more equations than the number of unknows.  It does not do that for SOLVE. Ratch

acer & Axel Vogt,

Each solution you all suggested worked like a charm.  I think you pinpointed the problem.  Thanks a load of a lot to both of you.  Ratch

OK, I will try to upload the file.  Ratch

View 6782_RLCprob.mw on MapleNet or Download 6782_RLCprob.mw
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Thanks for the clarification.  Ratch

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