
70 Reputation

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2 years, 152 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Saha

In above problem, Additionally How to  plot  heat transfer rate  Q versus L^2  for distinct porosity parmeters(Sh) , using  heat transfer rate formula, Q = (q*L)/(k*A*T[b])=theta'(1).

using  [Sh = 0.1, L^2 = 0.1, Nr =0 .1, Ha =0 .1, Pe = 0.1],  [Sh = 0.3, L^2 = 0.3, Nr = 0.1, Ha = 0.1, Pe =0 .1],   [Sh = 0.5, L^2 =0 .5, Nr =0 .1, Ha = 0.1, Pe =0 .1].

Boundary condition of my problem is   f(0) =1  and  d(f)(1) = -(k[f]/k[nf])*Bi*f(1).

But i am getting error when solve this.How to clear this .

my attached file is,

How to rectify this error.

Good evening,could you please help me to find the values of Phi[2],Phi[3],Phi[4],....

The right hand side of the for loop is the equation i need.Is this maple code correct.

I always trobled in coupled nonlinear equations.Could you please help to plot this.

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