
607 Reputation

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20 years, 78 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by SandorSzabo

is the good solution for me. Thanks, Sandor
is the good solution for me. Thanks, Sandor
I would like to use this library in Maple as a package or similar. For special functions, asymptotics, differential equations an improved, more or less bug free version would be useful. An other problem is: O(x)+O(x)=2O(x) O(x)-O(x)=0 (!) So I would like Maple to handle big Ordo correctly. Thanks.
It's fantastic! Previously I searched the help without success. Many thanks.
It's fantastic! Previously I searched the help without success. Many thanks.
(I downloaded everything, the newest version, from the inria pages.) I don't know how, but Maple was able to produce ( ) System of PDE's Satisfied by the Product Computing a system for the product is now a simple call to Mgfun[`sys*sys`] . > sys:=`sys*sys`(sys1,sys2,sys3,sys4,sys5); So I suggest to skip the libname problem. However, the produced system, sys, is smaller than it can be found on the webpage. Anyway, I went on, and tried Integration Again, the integration itself is performed by a single call to Mgfun[int_of_sys] : > ode:=op(int_of_sys(sys,x=-infinity..infinity,takayama_algo)); Unfortunately, Maple says, Error, (in Mgfun:-MG_Internals:-int_of_sys) bad options I tried to run the example in the help of Mgfun,
> sys:={(-n-1+k)^2*h(n+1,k)-(n+1+k)^2*h(n,k),-(n+1+k)^2*(-n+k)^2*h(n,k)+(k+1)^4*h(n,k+1)};

    /            2         2                  4              

   { -(n + 1 + k)  (-n + k)  h(n, k) + (k + 1)  h(n, k + 1), 


                 2                          2        \ 

     (-n - 1 + k)  h(n + 1, k) - (n + 1 + k)  h(n, k) }


> sum_of_sys(sys,k=-infinity..infinity,takayama_algo);

Error, (in Mgfun:-MG_Internals:-sum_of_sys) bad options

My guess is the takayama_algo is the bad options. You can use this option? If not, what can I do?
(I downloaded everything, the newest version, from the inria pages.) I don't know how, but Maple was able to produce ( ) System of PDE's Satisfied by the Product Computing a system for the product is now a simple call to Mgfun[`sys*sys`] . > sys:=`sys*sys`(sys1,sys2,sys3,sys4,sys5); So I suggest to skip the libname problem. However, the produced system, sys, is smaller than it can be found on the webpage. Anyway, I went on, and tried Integration Again, the integration itself is performed by a single call to Mgfun[int_of_sys] : > ode:=op(int_of_sys(sys,x=-infinity..infinity,takayama_algo)); Unfortunately, Maple says, Error, (in Mgfun:-MG_Internals:-int_of_sys) bad options I tried to run the example in the help of Mgfun,
> sys:={(-n-1+k)^2*h(n+1,k)-(n+1+k)^2*h(n,k),-(n+1+k)^2*(-n+k)^2*h(n,k)+(k+1)^4*h(n,k+1)};

    /            2         2                  4              

   { -(n + 1 + k)  (-n + k)  h(n, k) + (k + 1)  h(n, k + 1), 


                 2                          2        \ 

     (-n - 1 + k)  h(n + 1, k) - (n + 1 + k)  h(n, k) }


> sum_of_sys(sys,k=-infinity..infinity,takayama_algo);

Error, (in Mgfun:-MG_Internals:-sum_of_sys) bad options

My guess is the takayama_algo is the bad options. You can use this option? If not, what can I do?
I use Maple 10 under xp. There is no init file. It seems to me there is something wrong with libname. I copy here the 2 examples. There is no anything else in these 2 mw files. 1)
> libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"
> with(Mgfun);

Error, (in with) invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, pname, 
to be of type {package, module}, but received Mgfun

> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib";

           "C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, GB_Internals, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, 
  HilbertSeries, InterReduce, IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, LeadingCoefficient, 
  LeadingMonomial, LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MulMatrix, 
  MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, NormalForm, NormalSet, 
  Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, SetBasis, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk, _pexports, fglm_algo, gbasis, 
  gsolve, hilbertdim, hilbertpoly, hilbertseries, init, inter_reduce, 
  is_finite, is_solvable, leadcoeff, leadmon, leadterm, normalf, 
  pretend_gbasis, reduce, spoly, termorder, testorder, univpoly]

Everything is OK. 2)
> libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"

> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib",libname;

"C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib", 
"C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, HilbertSeries, InterReduce, 
  IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, 
LeadingCoefficient, LeadingMonomial, 
  LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, 
  NormalForm, NormalSet, Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk]

GB_Internals disappeared. Sorry, but I don't understand the reason of it. (Therefore I thought to force Maple by using priority.)
I use Maple 10 under xp. There is no init file. It seems to me there is something wrong with libname. I copy here the 2 examples. There is no anything else in these 2 mw files. 1)
> libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"
> with(Mgfun);

Error, (in with) invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, pname, 
to be of type {package, module}, but received Mgfun

> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib";

           "C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, GB_Internals, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, 
  HilbertSeries, InterReduce, IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, LeadingCoefficient, 
  LeadingMonomial, LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MulMatrix, 
  MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, NormalForm, NormalSet, 
  Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, SetBasis, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk, _pexports, fglm_algo, gbasis, 
  gsolve, hilbertdim, hilbertpoly, hilbertseries, init, inter_reduce, 
  is_finite, is_solvable, leadcoeff, leadmon, leadterm, normalf, 
  pretend_gbasis, reduce, spoly, termorder, testorder, univpoly]

Everything is OK. 2)
> libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"

> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib",libname;

"C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib", 
"C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, HilbertSeries, InterReduce, 
  IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, 
LeadingCoefficient, LeadingMonomial, 
  LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, 
  NormalForm, NormalSet, Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk]

GB_Internals disappeared. Sorry, but I don't understand the reason of it. (Therefore I thought to force Maple by using priority.)
Thanks. I read libname. There is only one problem, the priority. When I typed
> originallibname:=libname;

                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"
> with(Mgfun);

Error, (in with) invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, 
pname, to be of type {package, module}, but received Mgfun

> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib";

           "C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, GB_Internals, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, 
  HilbertSeries, InterReduce, IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, 
  LeadingMonomial, LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MulMatrix, 
  MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, NormalForm, NormalSet, 
  Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, SetBasis, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk, _pexports, fglm_algo, gbasis, 
  gsolve, hilbertdim, hilbertpoly, hilbertseries, init, inter_reduce, 
  is_finite, is_solvable, leadcoeff, leadmon, leadterm, normalf, 
  pretend_gbasis, reduce, spoly, termorder, testorder, univpoly]
So everything is OK. Almost. The problem is the order (priority). When I typed the following the GB_Internals disappeared.
> libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"
> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib",libname;

"C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, HilbertSeries, InterReduce, 
  IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, LeadingCoefficient, LeadingMonomial, 
  LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, 
  NormalForm, NormalSet, Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk]

> march('setattribute',"C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib",priority=2);

Error, (in march) individual archive file is expected for changing priority

How can I give higher priority to Algolib than Maple/lib? The help says For example, the commands: libname := "/usr/me/mylib/joe.lib","/usr/maple/lib"; myexpand; result in the two specified locations being searched for a definition of myexpand in a file or a member named myexpand.m. First the single library "joe.lib" in the directory "/user/me/mylib" is searched, and then, if necessary, the libraries in the directory "/usr/maple/lib" are searched. The search is terminated on its first success. In particular, this mechanism allows for easy additions or replacements to the main library. I need only (hopefully) a little help to go on.
Thanks. I read libname. There is only one problem, the priority. When I typed
> originallibname:=libname;

                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"
> with(Mgfun);

Error, (in with) invalid input: with expects its 1st argument, 
pname, to be of type {package, module}, but received Mgfun

> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib";

           "C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, GB_Internals, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, 
  HilbertSeries, InterReduce, IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, 
  LeadingMonomial, LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MulMatrix, 
  MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, NormalForm, NormalSet, 
  Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, SetBasis, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk, _pexports, fglm_algo, gbasis, 
  gsolve, hilbertdim, hilbertpoly, hilbertseries, init, inter_reduce, 
  is_finite, is_solvable, leadcoeff, leadmon, leadterm, normalf, 
  pretend_gbasis, reduce, spoly, termorder, testorder, univpoly]
So everything is OK. Almost. The problem is the order (priority). When I typed the following the GB_Internals disappeared.
> libname;
                "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"
> libname:="C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib",libname;

"C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 10/lib"

> with(Mgfun);

[MG_Internals, creative_telescoping, dfinite_expr_to_diffeq, 
  dfinite_expr_to_rec, dfinite_expr_to_sys, diag_of_sys, int_of_sys, 
  pol_to_sys, sum_of_sys, sys*sys, sys+sys]

> with(Groebner);

[Basis, FGLM, HilbertDimension, HilbertPolynomial, HilbertSeries, InterReduce, 
  IsProper, IsZeroDimensional, LeadingCoefficient, LeadingMonomial, 
  LeadingTerm, MonomialOrder, MultiplicationMatrix, MultivariateCyclicVector, 
  NormalForm, NormalSet, Reduce, RememberBasis, SPolynomial, Solve, TestOrder, 
  ToricIdealBasis, UnivariatePolynomial, Walk]

> march('setattribute',"C:/Program Files/Maple 11/MyLib/Algolib",priority=2);

Error, (in march) individual archive file is expected for changing priority

How can I give higher priority to Algolib than Maple/lib? The help says For example, the commands: libname := "/usr/me/mylib/joe.lib","/usr/maple/lib"; myexpand; result in the two specified locations being searched for a definition of myexpand in a file or a member named myexpand.m. First the single library "joe.lib" in the directory "/user/me/mylib" is searched, and then, if necessary, the libraries in the directory "/usr/maple/lib" are searched. The search is terminated on its first success. In particular, this mechanism allows for easy additions or replacements to the main library. I need only (hopefully) a little help to go on.
I wrote, but the problem is, as I noticed it very recently, that there are 2(!) Groebner package. The original in Maple, and an other one in Algolib Library in which the command GB_Internals does exist. So the question is, how can I make Maple use the one in Algolib? My Algolib is in the directory .../Maple/lib .
I wrote, but the problem is, as I noticed it very recently, that there are 2(!) Groebner package. The original in Maple, and an other one in Algolib Library in which the command GB_Internals does exist. So the question is, how can I make Maple use the one in Algolib? My Algolib is in the directory .../Maple/lib .
I don't know this theory. What does give pdsolve? The complete set of solution applying 'usual' functions or distributions also? There is a bad news: after typing sys:=`sys*sys`(sys1,sys2,sys3,sys4,sys5); (System of PDE's Satisfied by the Product) I got an error message Error, (in Mgfun:-MG_Internals:-add_prod_of_sys) GB_Internals is not a command in the Groebner package Should I write to the author?
I don't know this theory. What does give pdsolve? The complete set of solution applying 'usual' functions or distributions also? There is a bad news: after typing sys:=`sys*sys`(sys1,sys2,sys3,sys4,sys5); (System of PDE's Satisfied by the Product) I got an error message Error, (in Mgfun:-MG_Internals:-add_prod_of_sys) GB_Internals is not a command in the Groebner package Should I write to the author?
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