
607 Reputation

10 Badges

20 years, 73 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by SandorSzabo

The Next is very efficient. My proc is very fast. Thanks again. Sandor
Thanks for answers. fsolve is not the best solution in my case. My polynomials have rational coefficients and their roots are in the interval [0, 1.5]. So I will try Isolate and Next. I plan to tell about my experiences in the near future. Sandor
Thanks for answers. fsolve is not the best solution in my case. My polynomials have rational coefficients and their roots are in the interval [0, 1.5]. So I will try Isolate and Next. I plan to tell about my experiences in the near future. Sandor
I agree with you. I haven't known the command "identify", so I tried it in this case and Maple was able to guess e/24 ! Thanks.
I agree with you. I haven't known the command "identify", so I tried it in this case and Maple was able to guess e/24 ! Thanks.
See Lemma 2. I could prove Lemma 3 by Maple. Sandor
See Lemma 2. I could prove Lemma 3 by Maple. Sandor
You are right. But I would like to obtain the exact answer, e/24 !! Sandor
You are right. But I would like to obtain the exact answer, e/24 !! Sandor
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