
784 Reputation

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19 years, 160 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

If you would like to have more than one line of exponentials to show up in this way you can also change the output from Maple to Maple Notation by going to Tools>Option (this is if you are in Windows, Linux and Unix; it is Apple>Preference) and go to Display tab and change the Output display to Maple Notaion. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
If you would like to have more than one line of exponentials to show up in this way you can also change the output from Maple to Maple Notation by going to Tools>Option (this is if you are in Windows, Linux and Unix; it is Apple>Preference) and go to Display tab and change the Output display to Maple Notaion. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
For your first question the command would look something like this: plotsetup(ps,plotoutput="C:\\myfiles\\documents\\"); plot(x^2,x-2..3); Remember that the folders that you are writing to will have to already exist, Maple will not create the folder if it doesn't, it just throws back an error that it can't find the location. On your second question, I don't know if there is anything special for that version of GSview, when ever I used GSview I was able to view the picture with no problem. As for your third question, ther eis no difference between Document mode or worksheet Mode (as far as I can tell). I hope this helps. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
For your first question the command would look something like this: plotsetup(ps,plotoutput="C:\\myfiles\\documents\\"); plot(x^2,x-2..3); Remember that the folders that you are writing to will have to already exist, Maple will not create the folder if it doesn't, it just throws back an error that it can't find the location. On your second question, I don't know if there is anything special for that version of GSview, when ever I used GSview I was able to view the picture with no problem. As for your third question, ther eis no difference between Document mode or worksheet Mode (as far as I can tell). I hope this helps. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
I haven't come across any "Such that" function in that notation but you can check out the assuming option that could fulfill you need in most situations. For the different plots you can try the following plots: pointplot(...)- this would be a good option for your plotting of points (where the points are within a set or list) -you can also use it for plotting a line segment if you put in a set/list of two points with style=line arrow(u,v)- you can use this function for plotting a ray where the base of the ray is at point u and direction v implicitplot(...) -this would be a good choice for your plotting of lines inequal(...) -this would be a good option for your third question where you have a region defined by linear inequalities display(...) -this is a good option to plot multiple plots on one graph. The above plot functions can be found in Maple 10 as part of the plots package. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
I haven't come across any "Such that" function in that notation but you can check out the assuming option that could fulfill you need in most situations. For the different plots you can try the following plots: pointplot(...)- this would be a good option for your plotting of points (where the points are within a set or list) -you can also use it for plotting a line segment if you put in a set/list of two points with style=line arrow(u,v)- you can use this function for plotting a ray where the base of the ray is at point u and direction v implicitplot(...) -this would be a good choice for your plotting of lines inequal(...) -this would be a good option for your third question where you have a region defined by linear inequalities display(...) -this is a good option to plot multiple plots on one graph. The above plot functions can be found in Maple 10 as part of the plots package. Scott Maplesoft Technical Support
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