
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 191 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

Have you tried opening up the classic interface? If so, does it start up and are you able to calculate anything in that interface? Also, when you open up the standard interface, does the box come up indicating Maple 10 before nothing happens? If so, it is possible that you have the RAM/JAVA issue. If you go to the FAQ page and look up maxheap, you will find the FAQ that I am referring to. Scott
This application has been updated on the Application Center. Scott
Currently these files are on the Application Center. The first example, the Double Pendulum can be found here ( The second application went up yesterday and can be found here ( I am just putting these links up so that other users can see the worksheets until they have have been uploaded. Scott
You can try something like the following to optimize the integral for the constants. Note if you know the range that you want these variables, it may speed up the process or help give the answer you are looking for. Also, this command may also give the local maximum so the range will help if you know roughly where the global maximum is. restart; > P := -> sin(t): > eq1 := integrate((a*z+b)*P(z)^2+(c*z+d)*P(z)^4+(e*z+f)*P(z)^6+(g*z+h)*(diff(P(z), z))^2, z = 0 .. L): > Optimization[Maximize](eq1); Scott
If you are referring to the Maple Toolbox for Matlab, then you do need Maple and Matlab both installed before it can be installed. If you are referring to the connection within Maple to call Matlab, you don't need to have Matlab installed before Maple, just that you won't be able to use that connection until you have Matlab. The Maple Toolbox for Matlab requires one of the following versions of Matlab: MATLAB 7.0 (R14), 7.1 (R14 Service Pack 3), 7.2 (R2006a) , 7.3 (R2006b) Scott
I will leave the actual cause of this error to someone who has more knowledge on the dsolve command, but the error that I got on Maple 10.06 was the following "Error, (in dsolve/numeric/optimize/subproduct) argument #1 must be a nonexp product" For the first dsolve command (the one being solved into soln) you can get around this by just apply the subs command of EQN3 and EQN4 and then a simplification applied (to get rid of the square root of x(t)^2). The following command will work in this case: soln := dsolve({EQ2, x(0) = 2, simplify(subs(EQ3, EQ4, EQ1))}, numeric) For soln1 all you needed was a simplify applied to EQ5. If this doesn't work for you, I would suggest updating your Maple 10.02 to 10.06 (actually this would be a good suggestion to do anyways). As an aside, Maple 11 can run your worksheet fine with just the addition of the 0 at the other choice in the piecewise. Scott
Try using a line like the following: MyPlot||i:=plots[display]([seq((plots[pointplot])([p1[ii], p2[ii, i]], color = magenta), ii = 1 .. 3)], title = convert(i, string)): I am not sure if Maple 10 will allow "Math" in the titles. Maple 11 will without you needing to convert the number to a string. Scott
Try using a line like the following: MyPlot||i:=plots[display]([seq((plots[pointplot])([p1[ii], p2[ii, i]], color = magenta), ii = 1 .. 3)], title = convert(i, string)): I am not sure if Maple 10 will allow "Math" in the titles. Maple 11 will without you needing to convert the number to a string. Scott
If you had upgraded to CUPS 1.2.x, then this might be the problem that you were experiencing ( Scott
Go into your firewall and allow the following files: ...\Maple 9.5\jre\bin\java.exe ...\Maple 9.5\\cwmaple9.5.exe ...\Maple 9.5\\mserver.exe Likely you have the last two allowed but not the first. Scott Maplesoft
Was there any other changes to your operating system when you updated to IE7 (for example, did you update the firewall or otherupdates)? Also make sure that you are using Maple 9.52. If you are installing a previous version of Maple 9.5, you can download the update here ( Scott Maplesoft
If you do get this or other problems you can contact Technical Support using their email address ( They can also be reached using the Toll-free number (if you are in the US/Canada) that is found here: Please note that if you are calling technical support, the hours of operation is 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST/EDT), Monday to Friday (closed on Canadian statuatory holidays). They will likely need to know more information than what you have already provided (as in the operating system, how often this happens, etc.). Scott
If you are going to delete the two Maple folders (one from the Applications folder and the other in the /Library/Frameworks/Maple.Frameworks/), I would also suggest getting rid of the Maple 10 package within the Reciepts folder. This way, when the installer tries to reinstall, it will not think that it is already installed. Scott
If you had installed the PPC version of Maple 10 for MACs, it isn't a good idea to use the Intel upgrade. This is because the upgrade expects that the rest of the installation to be the Intel installation. As a result, some of the new code will be expecting code that isn't there or isn't in the correct location. The best bet is to uninstall Maple (for a MAC this means deleting the three files/folders where there are files) and getting an Intel installer. The three locations for the files are i) delete the following folder \Library\Frameworks\Maple.framework\Version\10 ii) delete the following folder \Applications\Maple 10 iii) delete any Maple 10 files located in the \Library\Reciepts folder If you had purchased the PPC version by accident, you should be able to get the Intel version either from Maplesoft Technical Support or if you purchase Maple from a reseller contact them. Scott
Hi rno, If you go here,, and you should be able to find the solution to your problem. Scott
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