
80 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 331 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Simwar

I'm working with some sum values, but for some reason that I can't figure out, this sum always returns 1.
Have I made some mistake in the way it's supposed to be typed in or why does it return 1? Below the sum I've filled out the spots manually to show how I want them to be.



x := 2; y := 2; sum(binomial(y, i)*(1/3)^i*(2/3)^(y-i)*(sum(binomial(x, j)*(1/3)^j*(2/3)^(x-j), j = i+1 .. x)), i = 0 .. y)



binomial(y, 0)*(1/3)^0*(2/3)^(y+0)*(sum(binomial(x, j)*(1/3)^j*(2/3)^(x-j), j = 1 .. x))+(1/3)*binomial(y, 1)*(2/3)^(y-1)*(sum(binomial(x, j)*(1/3)^j*(2/3)^(x-j), j = 2 .. x))+binomial(y, 2)*(1/3)^2*(2/3)^(y-2)*(sum(binomial(x, j)*(1/3)^j*(2/3)^(x-j), j = 3 .. x))






I was under the impression that if you had some a>b

then evalf[i](a) would be bigger or equal to evalf[i](b) for any i, but today I stumbled upon an example where this is not the case.

a := (sqrt(5)-1)*(1/2)``







b := .6





I've either overlooked something here or I simply don't understand how the evalf command is supposed to work.
Can anybody help me out?
Also, for some reason it seems like evalf[i](a) always ends with 0, for any i larger than 1, which also seems weird to me.


Can I somehow define a function based on a result from a PolynomialFit.
It doesn't seem to read it as a function the way I try to define it now (see attached maple file).

I could copy the result into a function, but then I lose some information since the values are approximated.

Can I somehow print several matrices next to each other without getting the quotations marks printet too?
Attached what I currently have.



A := RandomMatrix(4); B := RandomMatrix(4); C := RandomMatrix(4); E := RandomMatrix(4)

print("A="*A, "   B="*B, "   C="*C, "   E="*E)

"A="*Matrix(%id = 18446746685123259198), "   B="*Matrix(%id = 18446746685123259438), "   C="*Matrix(%id = 18446746685123259678), "   E="*Matrix(%id = 18446746685123259918)





I'm plotting matrices using the proc in the attached file.

How do I move the rows in the plot closer to each other?
The first picture show the rows plotted in the values [13,14...19].
I want them to be plotted in values like [13,13.5,14,14.5...].

Second picture shows how I would like it to be. Created it in paint, from a different

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