
5 Reputation

3 Badges

12 years, 294 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Steamrunner

I checked the page, and I installed the ones with similar names. I restarted my notebook, I run the program in the terminal... AND IT WORKED!

I really screamed, my girlfriend looked at me like if I was possessed.

Thanks a lot to all of you, you're the best!

I checked the page, and I installed the ones with similar names. I restarted my notebook, I run the program in the terminal... AND IT WORKED!

I really screamed, my girlfriend looked at me like if I was possessed.

Thanks a lot to all of you, you're the best!

That's exactly what happens: dies without error.

Now, my problem is: how to know which ones are missing? I'm kinda new in Ubuntu, so I need assistance to perform the right installation of the right files...

Thanks in advance... At least we're getting to the solution...

That's exactly what happens: dies without error.

Now, my problem is: how to know which ones are missing? I'm kinda new in Ubuntu, so I need assistance to perform the right installation of the right files...

Thanks in advance... At least we're getting to the solution...

I forgot to post it, my bad... But I have a 32-bit Maple Installation in a 32-bit Ubuntu, so... Any ideas?

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