
15 Reputation

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3 years, 262 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by TaoW

@Thomas Richard Thank you very much for the reply. Another question please:

infolevel[GlobalOptimization] := 3
Results := GlobalOptimization[GlobalSolve](objective, E_sim[1] = 1050 .. 109000, E_sim[2] = 1000 .. 202000, E_sim[3] = 450 .. 47000, A_sim[1] = 1.57e+7 .. 1.58e+9, A_sim[2] = 20000. .. 2.2e+6 A_sim[3] = 58. .. 592., timelimit = 3600);

Error, (in GlobalOptimization:-GlobalSolve) finite bounds must be provided for all variables
Did I make an error in the code or its really about a bound for a missed variable.

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