
1781 Reputation

16 Badges

20 years, 127 days
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Social Networks and Content at Maplesoft.com

Maple Application Center

Will Spaetzel is a Software Architect in the Maple T.A. Team at Maplesoft.

He started at Maplesoft in May of 2004 for a 16 month internship while completing his Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Western Ontario. During his final year at UWO, he continued on as moderator for MaplePrimes. He joined Maplesoft full-time in May 2006 and moved to the web team in Jan 2007. In December of 2010, Will moved to the Maple T.A. team. 

Will was born and grew up in Ontario, Canada. He maintains a personal blog, dabbles in photography builds web applications in his spare time.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Will

@Clare So We plan to add the ability to vote on comments in the future. Votes on comments will be different than votes on Answers, in that they won't cause the comments to be re-ordered. 

I've seen maybe one or two double posts as week since launching the new MaplePrimes. I saw about the same frequency on the old site as well.

This is usually due to people pressing the "Submit" button twice, or getting impatient and re-submitting hoping to get a faster answer.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

@Axel Vogt I checked and it works fine in IE8 and Chrome. K-melon says that it's based on Mozilla, so it should work now as well since Firefox uses the same engine.

@Axel Vogt I just updated Primes to have a Print Specific CSS file that fixes a bug in Firefox that was stopping more than one page printing.

@Christopher2222 Likely the two down voters of this question down voted it because the answer can be quickly found by searching the Maple help, or MaplePrimes

The best questions are questions that haven't been asked before on MaplePrimes and that cannot be easily answered by checking Maple's help.

E-mails are only supposed to be sent when the content has been updated or a comment/answer has been added. 

Votes are not a reason for e-mails to be sent.

The duplicate e-mails being sent our 3 or 4 times is a known issue and we hope to fix it soon.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

@hirnyk The answers are re-ordered based on the number of up-votes. So that's why your answer currently appears above "the mois one". 

They both are currently showing a time of "2 hours ago" for me. Did you see a discrepancy in the times displayed?

@hirnyk The answers are re-ordered based on the number of up-votes. So that's why your answer currently appears above "the mois one". 

They both are currently showing a time of "2 hours ago" for me. Did you see a discrepancy in the times displayed?

@Axel Vogt Thanks for posting this screenshot:


In it, I saw that the "jsdebug" files were being downloaded, meaning that the "debug" mode for Primes was mistakenly left turned on when I last published the site.

I have switch the debug mode off. This should speed the site up a bit, and reduce the size of the JavaScript files your browser downloads.

You can edit a question or post as long as no one has posted a Comment or Answer to it yet. Once you reach 100 reputation, you'll be able to edit your Posts and Questions even after they have received Comments or Answers.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

@roman_pearce Does this happen on every page? Did it work correctly before? The CSS hasn't changed, so I'm surprised the layout is different.

Can you please post a screenshot?

With the latest version of the site, we are now loading the sidebar in JavaScript. This means that Google will not see the contents of that sidebar. So any text within the sidebar won't be included in Google's search index.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

@Christopher2222 In new Primes, Answers get reordered based on their up-votes. So if you are replying to an Answer, you need to use the "Comment on this" button so that your comment stays in order.

When I imported from old Primes, any replies to top-level comments on questions were left as comments to the new Answer. However, in this thread, you didn't reply directly to any of the comments, so your comments were taken out of order.

I just went through the thread and attempted to fix the ordering. If anything still appears incorrect, please let me know and I'll fix it.

@Robert Israel It looks like when I recovered the last batch of files that some of the files were recovered with the wrong filenames. I used an undelete utility to find these files, I know that the undelete process is not perfect. 

There isn't any way to recover the original filenames, the images will need to be regenerated. I fixed the first plot by using the Primes plot button.

I have converted this comment into a Question so that more people will see the question and be able to help.


William Spaetzel
MaplePrimes Administrator
Software Developer, Maplesoft 

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