
75 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 143 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Wtolrud


I want to thank you.  I forgot that maple recognizes "I" as complex not "i".  

Thanks again

Is there a way to make this happen in my documents all the time.  I mean like a default item:

I want to thank you for the answer and the worksheet.  Appreciate it.  @Pascal4QM 

Thank you, I have recieved another member response with the same idea I am going to do this.@Kitonum 

Thank you didn't know of that capability.  Another member also commented using the same method@acer 

I do, the question involves taking a function that you want to see in rational form other than converted to a trig function as shown .@Carl Love 

I think I must of mistated my question or provided a bit of confusion:

the first input of cos returns the same thing that is entered.

On the second input the value returned is the answer numerically.

cos(pi/2) = 0 therefore I would have expected the return to be zero

There must be a way to make maple return the value of a trig function and not the trig function again.



@Markiyan Hirnyk 

But it looks so nice and clear.






I believe you should read my technical  support question again.

It's me again.  I am frustrated with this problem.  I believe that this is much deeper than you and I have made it seem.  I am currently in the file that I sent you.  If I add another 'section' it comes in as a worksheet item.   Now I don't understand this because as I said I started this file in the document mode.  Also adding a table to the file now it comes in only in the 1-D input mode, which is not what I started out with.  It appears that since I copies in the data from the other file all additions and inputs to this file are to be 1-D inputs. 


You stated above to highlight a character in a worksheet block and click the Document block symbol on the top bar and you will convert the Worksheet Block to a Document Block.  Well, how do you change a Document File that has been changed to a Worksheet file back to a Document file.  Because that is what appears to have happened.


Is there an easy way to see what mode the file is in when starting it in Maple.


Plus I believe what is happening is very hard to explain in an email.  What is happening in the file just doesn't make sense.  I have been using Maple since MAPLE 15.  And I've always use the Document mode in what I am doing in Maple,  I've never had the file that I was working on switch from Document Mode to Worksheet Mode before. 


[`&x`, Add, Adjoint, BackwardSubstitute, BandMatrix, Basis, BezoutMatrix, BidiagonalForm, BilinearForm, CARE, CharacteristicMatrix, CharacteristicPolynomial, Column, ColumnDimension, ColumnOperation, ColumnSpace, CompanionMatrix, CompressedSparseForm, ConditionNumber, ConstantMatrix, ConstantVector, Copy, CreatePermutation, CrossProduct, DARE, DeleteColumn, DeleteRow, Determinant, Diagonal, DiagonalMatrix, Dimension, Dimensions, DotProduct, EigenConditionNumbers, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Equal, ForwardSubstitute, FrobeniusForm, FromCompressedSparseForm, FromSplitForm, GaussianElimination, GenerateEquations, GenerateMatrix, Generic, GetResultDataType, GetResultShape, GivensRotationMatrix, GramSchmidt, HankelMatrix, HermiteForm, HermitianTranspose, HessenbergForm, HilbertMatrix, HouseholderMatrix, IdentityMatrix, IntersectionBasis, IsDefinite, IsOrthogonal, IsSimilar, IsUnitary, JordanBlockMatrix, JordanForm, KroneckerProduct, LA_Main, LUDecomposition, LeastSquares, LinearSolve, LyapunovSolve, Map, Map2, MatrixAdd, MatrixExponential, MatrixFunction, MatrixInverse, MatrixMatrixMultiply, MatrixNorm, MatrixPower, MatrixScalarMultiply, MatrixVectorMultiply, MinimalPolynomial, Minor, Modular, Multiply, NoUserValue, Norm, Normalize, NullSpace, OuterProductMatrix, Permanent, Pivot, PopovForm, ProjectionMatrix, QRDecomposition, RandomMatrix, RandomVector, Rank, RationalCanonicalForm, ReducedRowEchelonForm, Row, RowDimension, RowOperation, RowSpace, ScalarMatrix, ScalarMultiply, ScalarVector, SchurForm, SingularValues, SmithForm, SplitForm, StronglyConnectedBlocks, SubMatrix, SubVector, SumBasis, SylvesterMatrix, SylvesterSolve, ToeplitzMatrix, Trace, Transpose, TridiagonalForm, UnitVector, VandermondeMatrix, VectorAdd, VectorAngle, VectorMatrixMultiply, VectorNorm, VectorScalarMultiply, ZeroMatrix, ZeroVector, Zip]


A := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 27, (1, 2) = 99, (1, 3) = 92, (2, 1) = 8, (2, 2) = 29, (2, 3) = -31, (3, 1) = 69, (3, 2) = 44, (3, 3) = 67})

Matrix(%id = 18446747037952885694)



RootOf(_Z^3-32046*_Z^2+115326849*_Z-107088635536, index = 3)^(1/2)





LinearAlgebra[Norm](A) = 218   This is the infinity norm for the vector A


LinearAlgebra[Norm](A, 2) = RootOf(_Z^3-32046*_Z^2+115326849*_Z-107088635536, index = 3)^(1/2)"(->)"167.55  This is the Euclidean Norm of matrix A


So my question is where are these shortcuts explained and describe usage.




A := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 27, (1, 2) = 99, (1, 3) = 92, (2, 1) = 8, (2, 2) = 29, (2, 3) = -31, (3, 1) = 69, (3, 2) = 44, (3, 3) = 67})

Matrix(%id = 18446747038056157542)


LinearAlgebra:-Norm(A, 2) = RootOf(_Z^3-32046*_Z^2+115326849*_Z-107088635536, index = 3)^(1/2)"(->)"167.55 

After restarting you don't need Linear Algebra Package to access this shortcut.  So, it must be at the base level of Maple.



Download Norm_via_straight_slashes.mw

Here is the file


@Doug Meade 

The key strokes are as follows:

with the 1-D math input set

[< ||A||2    This will give the Euclidean Norm for A.  The keystrokes use the Straight slash on the Windows keyboard. There are two straight slashes in the front and 2 straight slashes on the back, then you add the index by control/shift/_

This method of keystrokes I have observed on webinars. But the help book does not talk about this method.  I am just trying to find the description of this type of entry and others that might be available that are not shown in the Help Book.

Thank you


No, not command completion.

Let's say you are the command prompt

[< ||A||2 will give the Euclidean Norm of Vector A.  Where is this method of entry explained with the use of the index numbers which will give different results.




Thansks for the quick turnaround. that worked great.

Thansks for the quick turnaround. that worked great.

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