
65 Reputation

5 Badges

8 years, 356 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Zihan

@acer Thank you very much ;)

@Kitonum Thank you very much ;) It helps me a lot.

@Preben Alsholm Thank you very much ;) It helps me a lot.

@Kitonum Thank you very much ;) It helps me a lot.


Thank you very much! I have another question: how does the equation change line? Is it automatic?


Thanks you for your help. But the equation seems to be so long that I got a 'Tex translation failed' feedback from Mathtype. Cry....

@Christian Wolinski Thank you for your help ;)

@Kitonum Thank you for your help ;)

@Doug Meade Thank you for your comprehensive explanation ;)

@Preben Alsholm Thank you for your help ;) It is the fastest way!

@acer Thank you for your help ;)

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