
120 Reputation

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16 years, 243 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by a_simsim


Hi Edgardo,

Tx very much for the worsheet. Concerning missing parameters: no, unfortunately I do not have them. This is all what I have. Anyway Maple does it fine.

best regards



Dear Edgardo,

All the best for your valuable work. May I offer one more usefull document on numerical Laplace inversion.

best regards



Do you possibly plan to incorporate somewhen the Den Iseger numerical Laplace inversion algorithm?



Sorry, I've found it:

- Simulate( returntype = datapoint , plotevents = false , ds = 1. ) 

RTBM :-)



@Thomas Richard 

Dear Thomas,

May I have one more question? Now the simulations runs correctly, and returned me the plots of the probe values vs. time. How could I obtain the raw, numeric data in a matrix form, so I can use them in other plot commands combined with other data? In the result matrix the 1st column should be time, 2nd, 3rd etc. columns Probe1, Probe2, etc. values.

Tx for the help in advance,

best regrads


@Thomas Richard 

Dear Thomas,

Tx very much for the help. I rechecked the video tutorial again and because of its low resoluition the minus sign seemed to me as an equal sign, and this caused the problem. Now it runs perfectly :-) 

I'm relatively new to MapleSim so there is certainly room for improvement for me.

best regards


@Joe Riel 

Thank you very much for the info.

best regards



Sorry for this silly question, and tx very much for the help. Works perfect  :-) , shame on me. 

Id did not know about \\ as a directory separator.

tx again and best regards


@Carl Love 

Dear Carl,

Works perfect :-), tx for the kind help, saved me a lot of trouble.

best regards



Sorry to be back again. This time I have problem with the vectors in the record. I tried to fill up the nind vector in the record with some integer values (actually the sequential indices of the neighboring nodes), but failed. If I retrieve values, I always get the same (and wrong vector) Correct values are indicated in the attachment. I guess once again it has something to do with pointers, but have no clue what. 

Could you pls. have a look at it?

Many tx in advance,

best regards





Dear Tom thank you very much. I would have never find it out.

best regards


@mmcdara Unfortunately I ran into a problem. When filling up the array with records, and then assigning a value to one specific record member, I do not get back the assigned value upon retriaval. What can be the problem? The attached worksheet explains the problem much better.

Tx for the help in advance,

best regards



@mmcdara Thank you very much. Now I have several choices to go on.

best regards


Dear Colleagues,


Tx for your valuable help. Record is the winner. I can specifiy a matrix with records as matrix elements, and records are very flexible in data storing. Works perfect! :-))

Thank you very much,

best regards


@Rouben Rostamian  , @phil

Thank you very much for the kind help



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