
120 Reputation

6 Badges

16 years, 242 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by a_simsim


Dear tomleslie,

Tx for the correction. Pls. note, that I'm a newbie in Maple, so these are my 1st shaky steps :-) Otherwise you perfectly got my point: my aim was to plot a series of calculated  Z  values for different reduced temperatures (TRED)  vs. the same range of reduced presures (PREDS). The solution is your elegant method to convert values to a pointplot sequence. The plot should look egzactly as yours. Thank you very much once again.

best regards



Dear tomleslie,

Thank you very much for the quick reply :-) The 1st version (assignement) worked out. Just simply moving the pointplot command into the procedure (and also changing the arguments)  did nothing. I might do something wrong again.

BTW may I have another question: currently the  p2  vector is calculated with one particular value of reduced temperature (TRED). How should I proceed with calculating  p3, p4, p5, etc. vectors with all possible TRED values, and plot them in the same graph? (The horizontal p1 values should remain the same).

Tx in advance, best regards




@Doug Meade 

Dear Doug,


Absolutely right. I'm a newbie in Maple, and here I seemingly overkilled the problem. Tx for the comment. I made the changes, and it works just fine :-)

best regards



@Carl Love 

Works perfect, thank you very much :-)



Dear Kitonum,

Tx, it solves the message problem indeed, but once I call the routine with the following values:

PRED := 0.6668876 ;

TRED := 1.639826 ;



I get  Z  without a value. ??? What do I do wrong? The correct value should be : Z = .952268473


Tx in advance, best regards


@tomleslie Tx for the comment. So at least I can start to develop my stuff with the personal edition, and if its OK, then later I can upgrade to the professional one, and use it with the professional version, right?

This is good news, thank you very much.

Dear Kamel

Tx a lot, it works perfect! You're right, current cannot just flow out into the interstellar space :-)

Tx again, best regards


Dear Kamel

Tx a lot, it works perfect! You're right, current cannot just flow out into the interstellar space :-)

Tx again, best regards


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