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4 years, 226 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by aabdulla



I have two functions that I took the inetgral of their product (1.3 and 1). Then i multiplied the resulting naswer with the variable and integrates again however the inetgral did not evaluate (3,4, and 5). 

I was able to calculate both inegrals using tables of integrals, MATLAB & Mathematica were able to evaluate.

any insights on why this may happening?




I am trying to use Maple to evaluate the recursion series as below, but I am getting an error when I try to call c: Error, (in depends) too many levels of recursion





b := proc (k) options operator, arrow; (-1)^k*GAMMA(1+(1/2)*k)^2/factorial(k) end proc

proc (k) options operator, arrow; (-1)^k*GAMMA(1+(1/2)*k)^2/factorial(k) end proc


c := proc (k) options operator, arrow; piecewise(k = 0, b(0)^N, 1 <= k, (sum((q*(N+1)-k)*b(q)*c(k-q), q = 1 .. k))/(k*b(0))) end proc

proc (k) options operator, arrow; piecewise(k = 0, b(0)^N, 1 <= k, (sum((q*(N+1)-k)*b(q)*c(k-q), q = 1 .. k))/(k*b(0))) end proc






Error, (in depends) too many levels of recursion



F := proc (s, kmax, N) options operator, arrow; sum(c(k)*s^k, k = 0 .. kmax) end proc

proc (s, kmax, N) options operator, arrow; sum(c(k)*s^k, k = 0 .. kmax) end proc


powcreate(c(k) = (sum((q*(N+1)-k)*b(q)*c(k-q), q = 1 .. k))/(k*b(0)), c(0) = b(0)^N)

Error, (in depends) too many levels of recursion


c := rsolve({c(0) = b(0)^N, c(k) = (sum((q*(N+1)-k)*b(q)*c(k-q), q = 1 .. k))/(k*b(0))}, c(k), makeproc)

Error, (in depends) too many levels of recursion


c := proc (k) if k = 0 then return b(0)^N else return (sum((q*(N+1)-k)*b(q)*c(k-q), q = 1 .. k))/(k*b(0)) end if end proc

proc (k) if k = 0 then return b(0)^N else return (sum((q*(N+1)-k)*b(q)*c(k-q), q = 1 .. k))/(k*b(0)) end if end proc



Error, (in _factorial) too many levels of recursion


F := proc (s, kmax, N) options operator, arrow; sum(c(k)*s^k, k = 0 .. kmax) end proc

proc (s, kmax, N) options operator, arrow; sum(c(k)*s^k, k = 0 .. kmax) end proc


F(1, 2, 2)

Error, (in unknown) too many levels of recursion




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