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These are replies submitted by acer

I have been disappointed with the Dictionary. I would agree with Jacques' comment: the definitions are not always equivalent to the meanings used by Maple itself. This is a shortcoming. I often choose Mathworld for checking definitions online. There are also problems with using the Dictionary to annotate Maple documents, a few of which I'll describe below. One problem is that the full name (or search term) of the definition does not appear within the actual page in the Dictionary within the Help system. But the search term is what the help-system needs in order to locate a definition programmatically as a link, or using the ? query mechanism. For example, open the Dictionary browser in the Standard GUI. From the top menu, select Help->Manuals,Dictionary,and more->Dictionary . Now in the help-browser (left pane) open the H alphabetic items, and select the browser entry for Hamilton's equations of motion. That should open that definition. Now, where is the no-punctuation joined-word search term? It is not in the page. It appears in my Linux window-manager's decoration of the window, but that cannot be cut & pasted. So how can I use my mouse to paste in the following? It's sad, if I cannot. ?hamiltonsequationsofmotion Now here's a second, related problem. In a Document, or text mode in a Worksheet, I can select text and right-click to get a context-menu, in which I choose Convert To->Hyperlink which pops up a small "Hyperlink Properties" window. In that window, I use the drop-down to choose "Dictionary Topic". Ok, so now, why is there no browse action enabled at this point? How does the user figure out, from here, that precisely "Definition, hamiltonsequationsofmotion" must be entered? This is unfriendly. acer
I deduced 4736 registered users by hovering over the maple leaf & number of some recently joined members whose handles appeared in the "Who's new" list. I believe that I was close to spot on, at the time I posted, and that discrepency with Will's figure was due to the later date of his posting. If you hover over Will's leaf, you'll see the number 1, which may be a good hint that it is a userid. Hovering over others' leaves shows a reasonable correlation with the stated time of membership shown on profile pages. I do not know how to easily gather all userids and handles, assuming that these guesses are close to correct. It might be possible using wget and some scripting work (which could be similar to what Will referred to by the term "scraping"). I can only imagine that the csv file posted was a snapshot of a window in time, a subset of the entire set of postings here -- possibly only those since mapleprimes left beta?! acer
% maple11 -s -z |\^/| Maple 11 (X86 64 LINUX) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2007 \ MAPLE / All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of <____ ____> Waterloo Maple Inc. | Type ? for help. > simplify(2.0*eval(normal)); Segmentation fault If other things are done in the session before the above, then it can instead produce, Error, (in kernels) too many levels of recursion I'm not sure what "kernels" means in that message. bonus escaped local bug in new session: > simplify(1.0*eval(eval)); x2 acer
Here is an entry, for 64bit Linux. On 32bit Linux, the lib64 could be replaced by simply lib. define_external(abort,LIB="/lib64/")(); I notice that the wrapperless external-calling form above works even if maple is started with the -z option to disable system calls. I think that that is a bug. It should be disabled, under that option, in the same way that the Compiler and wrapper-generating external calling are disabled. Compare with this, after starting maple with -z, define_external(abort,WRAPPER,LIB="/lib64/")(); acer
Fewest keystrokes to crash Maple 11 in TTY interface? I guess that I mean bus-error/seg-fault/stack-limit-exceeded/lost-kernel-connection as opposed to runaway in CPU cycles or memory limit exceeded. acer
Fewest keystrokes to crash Maple 11 in TTY interface? I guess that I mean bus-error/seg-fault/stack-limit-exceeded/lost-kernel-connection as opposed to runaway in CPU cycles or memory limit exceeded. acer
You appear to have an error message without the values for its placeholders %1 and %2. What do you see if you immediately follow that with the command lasterror ? acer
You appear to have an error message without the values for its placeholders %1 and %2. What do you see if you immediately follow that with the command lasterror ? acer
With a view that what people write is important, I miss the feature that showed the number of times a blog entry has been viewed. For a large part of the first year of this site, when it was "beta", each blog entry had such a number displayed at the bottom, alongside its other action links. acer
Discussion of the merits of implicit multiplication is useful, and the issues of cut & paste of 2Dmath is important. I'd just like to add that the examples that I gave go wrong even when typed in by hand and not pasted. And I suppose that the mod example is another Typesetting issue altogether, and also occurs when typed in by hand. I have a feeling that yet more distinct problematic issues could be found, using the wealth of examples from the help-pages. In other words, the general parsing problems are likely wider than just implicit multiplication. The detail from your Knuth conversation is interesting. I wonder how to disambiguate typeset ouptut without embedding more context into it. I am not anything like an expert in this area. What comes to mind most, though, is the recollection that MathML has both presentation and content forms. The full details of the implementation of 2dmath (input and output!) would be a fascinating read. acer
That doesn't sound so useful, if you cannot type it in successfully by hand. Try typing it in by hand, but in a Worksheet instead of a Document, and in 1D Maple Notation instead of 2D Math Notation. You can open a Worksheet from the File -> New menubar list. You can toggle between 1D and 2D entry modes in a Worksheet either with the F5 key (Windows, Linux) or with a drop-down in one of the top toolbars. If you find that 1D Maple Notation works well for your programming purposes of typing in Maple code, then you could also consider setting the defaults to be in that mode. See the Tools -> Options menu, and look for the Display -> "Input display" and the Interface -> "Default format for new worksheets" tabs. acer
That doesn't sound so useful, if you cannot type it in successfully by hand. Try typing it in by hand, but in a Worksheet instead of a Document, and in 1D Maple Notation instead of 2D Math Notation. You can open a Worksheet from the File -> New menubar list. You can toggle between 1D and 2D entry modes in a Worksheet either with the F5 key (Windows, Linux) or with a drop-down in one of the top toolbars. If you find that 1D Maple Notation works well for your programming purposes of typing in Maple code, then you could also consider setting the defaults to be in that mode. See the Tools -> Options menu, and look for the Display -> "Input display" and the Interface -> "Default format for new worksheets" tabs. acer
Typeset Notation is also known as... interface(prettyprint=2); acer
Typeset Notation is also known as... interface(prettyprint=2); acer
To enable labels in output, for labelled display of common subexpressions, try the following: Go to Tools -> Options -> Display from the top menubar. Change the second item, which is the "Output display" drop-down box, to either "Typeset Notation" or "Character Notation". The help-page ?interface does mention those two as the only output formats to support the common subexpression labels, It doesn't mention how to enable them in the Standard GUI. It's not clear to me that context-sensitive menus will have the same functionality when right-clicking on mouse-selected output in Typeset Notation. acer
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