
60 Reputation

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4 years, 184 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by achreftabet

i hace another question how do i calculate this sum in maple 18  thinks


thanks alot 

I am very grateful to you


Thank you for your help  

please i have other question if you can halp me 

How can be written this system of eqautions such that the variables (r,Z,U,V,W,S) depends to theta 

thanks Download


hello thanks for your help

Please how do i find this reslut in maple 

@Carl Love 

All information in this papers



how  Classification of equilibrium points in R^3

@Scot Gould 

i did not understand this step



What is the difference between Maple 18 and Maple 2018

@Scot Gould 

thank you for answering my questions about the sum
I have another problem in the compilations


restart; randomize():

Define S and test it:


S := n -> sum( sum( a[i, j]*x^i*y^j, j = 0..n-i), i=0..n);

proc (n) options operator, arrow; sum(sum(a[i, j]*x^i*y^j, j = 0 .. n-i), i = 0 .. n) end proc



x^2*a[2, 0]+x*y*a[1, 1]+y^2*a[0, 2]+x*a[1, 0]+y*a[0, 1]+a[0, 0]


Define A and test it:

A := n -> add( add( a[i,j]*x^i*y^j, j=0..n-i), i=0..n);

proc (n) options operator, arrow; add(add(a[i, j]*x^i*y^j, j = 0 .. n-i), i = 0 .. n) end proc



x^2*a[2, 0]+x*y*a[1, 1]+y^2*a[0, 2]+x*a[1, 0]+y*a[0, 1]+a[0, 0]


Assign values random values to the elements  in the array `a`. (i have problem)

N := 10:
a := Array(0..N, 0..N, (i,j)->rand(-1.0..1.0)())

Warning, inserted missing semicolon at end of statement


Error, invalid input: rand expects its 1st argument, r, to be of type {posint, integer .. integer}, but received -1.0 .. 1.0



Problem: te

sting S with n = 2.


x^2*a[2, 0]+x*y*a[1, 1]+y^2*a[0, 2]+x*a[1, 0]+y*a[0, 1]+a[0, 0]


Hmm, no longer symbolic.


As opposed to A:


x^2*a[2, 0]+x*y*a[1, 1]+y^2*a[0, 2]+x*a[1, 0]+y*a[0, 1]+a[0, 0]


S can't be plotted even if the function is delayed:

plot3d( 'S(10)', x=0..1, y=0..1)

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct



But this does work.

newS := (x,y,n) -> sum( sum( a[i, j]*x^i*y^j, j = 0..n-i), i=0..n);

proc (x, y, n) options operator, arrow; sum(sum(a[i, j]*x^i*y^j, j = 0 .. n-i), i = 0 .. n) end proc


plot3d('newS(x,y,10)', x=0..1, y=0..1);


A behaves as a I would expect.

plot3d(A(10), x=0..1, y=0..1)



 you can calculate this sum by this program

-2 + x - xy + x2 + 2 y2

Download Sum_vs_Add_(1).mw


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