
5 Reputation

One Badge

10 years, 179 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ahmeduqat

I have a great problem with this integral and Maple gives two answers completely different:


int(x^-5/3*cos((x-1)*h), x = 0..infinity)

so I get two different results :


-(27/8)*h^2+3/2+(27/8)*h^(7/6)*LommelS2(11/6, 1/2, h)


or this:


-(27/8)*h^2+3/2+(27/8)*h^(7/6)*LommelS1(11/6, 1/2, h)

In the first integral A get Lommels2 and If I get the Integral by using Taylor of cos((x-1)*h) and after that I resum I get Lommels1.


Thank you.



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