
5 Reputation

One Badge

7 years, 82 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by aminiyasser

@Daniel Skoog 

Dear Daniel

I can not send whole part of my document.

Is it possible I send only the matrices values ?

@Daniel Skoog 

How I can save these matrices and send them to you ?

@Daniel Skoog 

where phi is numeric 60*3 matrix

and K__N is a 60*60 matrix whose elements is a polinomial versus x[1] to x[3]

if you need the values of matrices;

 please let me know how I can save these matrices an send it to your email


I found it

it is the first element which is correct



how I can correct the outpout showing of results ?

@Carl Love 

when I do right-click I can not find Browse option


where phi is numeric 60*3 matrix

and K__N is a 60*60 matrix whose elements is a polinomial versus x[1] to x[3]

if it is needed plese let me know I can save these matrices an send it to your email

@Daniel Skoog 


I have used 2017.0

however, I tested on onother PC with 2017.3 version. and I have seen another form of typing whcih is different by 2017.0

but it is also a bad style of showing results

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