
28 Reputation

2 Badges

16 years, 155 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by apbraga

Hi Joe, It worked pretty fine. Thanks a lot. Antônio.

PS: The matrix I am working on is the partition matrix for FCM clustering. If someone else needs, the final expression is U := Matrix(N, N, (s, t) -> (1/(d[s, t]^2*add(1/d[j, t]^2, j = 1 .. c)) ), where d is the distances' matrix.

Hi Joe, It worked pretty fine. Thanks a lot. Antônio.

PS: The matrix I am working on is the partition matrix for FCM clustering. If someone else needs, the final expression is U := Matrix(N, N, (s, t) -> (1/(d[s, t]^2*add(1/d[j, t]^2, j = 1 .. c)) ), where d is the distances' matrix.

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