
301 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 115 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by awass

Thanks. I did go to WIKIpedia and there was a discussion of various algorithms.

In pratice it seems best to issue the randomize() command once per session before invoking rand().

I am surprised that the default setting is not using the clock for the initial seed.

Thanks for the info.

Thank you for your reply. inserting the randomize() command after restart; does in fact, yield random strings each time it is executed. When you say "Maple's random number generator is reset as well" what is it reset to? I have not investigated how the random numbers are generated. thanks again,

That does seem to be a workable solution and I will try it. (I guess I should also inform myself about  the advantages of the data structure you used– rtables.)

It seems to me that you had to really get under the hood to solve my problem.

I am curious why the events actions don't allow normal maple instructions. That would make it so much easier.

Do you find the help pages on events domewhat opaque?

Thanks again,


That does seem to be a workable solution and I will try it. (I guess I should also inform myself about  the advantages of the data structure you used– rtables.)

It seems to me that you had to really get under the hood to solve my problem.

I am curious why the events actions don't allow normal maple instructions. That would make it so much easier.

Do you find the help pages on events domewhat opaque?

Thanks again,


Thank you for the fix. It is pretty subtle. It is wonderful that knowledgeable people are here to help. Thanks, again
Thank you for the fix. It is pretty subtle. It is wonderful that knowledgeable people are here to help. Thanks, again
Thank you for the suggestion. I am going to try that right now.
Thank you for the suggestion. I am going to try that right now.
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