
296 Reputation

10 Badges

18 years, 360 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by awass

Recently I wanted to convert some integers to binary form and then make a list of the binary digits. I know I have done such things easily in the past but I forget how exactly. I spent quite a bit of time now hunting around in the Help facility looking for useful commands. I finally patched together a procedure to do that.
My point is: searching for Help is often quite difficult.

I notice however, that I can ask my android phone a question about, for example,  Frobenius reciprocity and it understands my spoken question and provides an answer (actually, many answers) instantly. It would be so nice if Maple had a better way to respond.

I can search a whole pdf document for a keyword-not as satisfactory but still better that using the help facility.

Does anyone else agree?

Here is a simple bug:

If I define a function f via


I can plot(f(x), x=0.2..5) and evaluate f(3) but plot(f,0.2..5) yields an error message ( wrong argument  (f) in plot) and f(1.5) crashes Maple 12–connection to kernel lost.

If I define the function using fsolve or using unapply as in
> g:=unapply(exp((1/2)*ln(x^2+x)*x),x);

I can plot(g,0.2..5) or plot(g(x),x=0.2..5) or evaluate g(1.5) without problems.

Any idea whee the bug is?


Maple returns a message saying that the use of global parameters in
the dsolve command is deprecated and will be eliminated in future
versions of Maple. One should use the parameters option instead.

I find entering parameters that way a bit clunky and prefer to use a
function instead. Is there some good reason to use the parameters
option? See below for a simple example.

Hi, Can anybody explain why Maple is crashing? Does it happen with Maple 13? > c:=alpha->solve(-alpha*(alpha+1)+x^(2/alpha),x); # I am too lazy to solve the eq by hand. > c(a); # Maple returns the correct value although that is difficult to see from the text version of the output /1 / 2 \ \ exp|- ln\a + a/ a| \2 / > c(1.5); # This always crashes Maple 12 on my Mac OS 10.5. Maple announces tha the connection to the kernel has been lost and I must restart. thanks,

You can duplicate this in Maple 11 or Maple 12: restart; L:=Array(1..10, j->rand(0..1)()); L := [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1] restart; L:=Array(1..10, j->rand(0..1)()); L := [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1] restart; L:=Array(1..10, j->rand(0..1)()); L := [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1] restart; L:=Array(1..10, j->rand(0..1)()); L := [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1] restart; L:=Array(1..10, j->rand(0..1)()); L := [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
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