
10 Reputation

One Badge

7 years, 352 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by behroozm37

i tried to solve a nonlinear ode with numerical method but maple can't solve it and this error occur:

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) initial Newton iteration is not converging

my maple codes are attached below:

can any help me?

when i use the command evalf(Int(f(y),y=-b..b)), i expect that the output of this command to be an integer. but the output is to form of below:

i think that the problem is because of the form of the function f(y) that is the form of below:

f(y) = a*10^354*(b*10^-356*g(sin(y) , cos(y) and exp(y)))

but i dont know how i solve this problem:(

please help me. thank you

for the simple ODE:

dsolve(26*(diff(y(x), x$4))-50*(diff(y(x),x$2))-2*y(x) = 0)

dsolve produces strange solution as below:

in this solution the forth function is wrong and it would be as below:


can you explain this problem???

please help me :((((

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