
40 Reputation

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17 years, 184 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by bigualf

How can I fill a matrix with my sequence plot? I'm a beginner to programming data matrix
last question: How can I export all data plot in only one excel table so I can graph it with other software? I'm looking for "export" in topics but I'don't found any solution. Thank you in advance Please I need this last help to resolve all my problems! ;.)
A little complication. I'm sorry for intrusion. If I Have a sequece of plot like this, how can I resolve it? Xsi := -100+20*ii; plot([seq(eval(zin, Xs = Xsi), ii = 0 .. 10)], freq = 0 .. 20*10^9, -1000 .. 1000, legend = [seq(Xs = eval(Xsi), ii = 0 .. 10)]) I would export all data in only one file.
thank you very much to all for yours clearness suggestion. I hope that this basic problem of legend will be resolved in new release. Regards
I'm sorry for error code. This is the original code, and work! But the short solution in the post called "multiple plots" don't work.. I define a1,b1...n1 because I need to know the numerical value > restart; with(plots); parameter device and frequency > gm := 64.36667*10^(-3); rds := 250; cds := 24.5*10^(-15); cgs := .1*10^(-12); r[i] := 1; Rs := 0; Rd := 0; Rs := 0; Xd := 60; > w := 2*Pi*freq; > k := rds/(1+(w*cds*rds)^2) > a1 := Rs+Rd+k; > b1 := Xs+Xd-k*w*cds*rds; denominator: > den := a1^2+b1^2; 1factor > c1 := (1+gm*k)*(Rs*r[i]+Xs/(w*cgs)); > d1 := (Xs*r[i]-Rs/(w*cgs))*k*gm*w*cds*rds; > e1 := (Rd+k)*(r[i]+Rs); > f1 := (Xd-k*gm*w*cds*rds)*(Xs-1/(w*cgs)); 2 factor > g1 := (1+gm*k)*(Xs*r[i]-Rs/(w*cgs)); > h1 := (Rs*r[i]+Xs/(w*cgs))*k*gm*w*cds*rds; > i1 := (r[i]+Rs)*(Xd-k*gm*w*cds*rds); > l1 := (Rd+k)*(Xs-1/(w*cgs)); > m1 := c1+d1+e1-f1; > n1 := g1-h1+i1+l1; > primo := a1*m1; > secondo := b1*n1; > zin := (primo+secondo)/den; > with(plots); plts := NULL; for Xs from -100 by 10 to 100 do plts := plts, plot(zin, freq = 0 .. 20*10^9) end do; display(plts); %; THANK YOU!!! ps:With this solution I have a problem: the curves are all of the same colour and is difficult recognized each one.How can I add a legend with each value of the sweeped parameter Xs. (Sorry for my bad english ;) )
thank you dharr for the quicky answer, but the problem exist yet: "Warning, unable to evaluate the function... the calling sequence is correct display(PLOT(...),PLOT(...),PLOT(...)) How can I define a discrete vector with simple sintax? Is there a command similar to mathcad v:= [min,step,..max]? How can I define a consecutive list of function without plotting problem? Is better expressions or functions? example: numerical value definition of variables: a:=1.4, b:=3*10^3;c:=-5.8;............. w:=2*pi*f g:=3*b*/w n:=g+a m:= e+f+d first_term:=m+h; second_term:=n+l; den:=w^3*a*i total:=(first_term + second_term)/den # I have to plot total in 2d plot, x-axis=f, and sweeped parameters Y plot(total,x=0..10^3,????)
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