
20 Reputation

One Badge

12 years, 181 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by briand

To no avail...

I've replaced that exact part and it resulted in errors. Also when I tried variaties: replacing others parts, replacing the printf part, using extra parentheses, double quotes, no quotes, single quotes. It all resulted in errors.

I can assign the "<math>..." to a variable but I cannot make MapleTA show the value in the output screen. It causes errors.

To no avail...

I've replaced that exact part and it resulted in errors. Also when I tried variaties: replacing others parts, replacing the printf part, using extra parentheses, double quotes, no quotes, single quotes. It all resulted in errors.

I can assign the "<math>..." to a variable but I cannot make MapleTA show the value in the output screen. It causes errors.


But what if multi-part questions aren't adequate?

For example, the very first question in a test could ask for the student's $name or a $code, and in every next question the $name or $code should be displayed on screen so that teachers can check when walking past. How can the value be carried from one question to the next?


But what if multi-part questions aren't adequate?

For example, the very first question in a test could ask for the student's $name or a $code, and in every next question the $name or $code should be displayed on screen so that teachers can check when walking past. How can the value be carried from one question to the next?

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