
60 Reputation

6 Badges

10 years, 341 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by candy898

@Carl Love Thank you so much ! now it  work !

@Carl Love 


> C := `<|>`(`<,>`(9/10, -3/10, -3/5), `<,>`(-1/5, 3/5, -2/5), `<,>`(-2/5, -2/5, 4/5));
                           Matrix(%id = 153729968)
> b := `<,>`(600, 600, 600);
                       Vector[column](%id = 231147664)
> LinearSolve(C, b);
Error, (in Student:-LinearAlgebra:-LinearSolve) inconsistent system

why this is not work ? can you rewirter this program ?

@Carl Love 
> macro(LA = LinearAlgebra);
> C := Matrix([[.5, .4], [.2, .2]]);
                           Matrix(%id = 174193348)
> d := `<,>`(0.2e7, 0.12e8);
                       Vector[column](%id = 174193412)
> p := LA:-LinearSolve(LA:-IdentityMatrix(2)-C, d);
Error, `LA` does not evaluate to a module
> C[2, 1]*p[2];
                                  0.2 p[2]

I still have problem ?

@Carl Love 

I think the matrix must be 

C:= Matrix([[.5, .4], [.2, .2]]);  i dont know why I run this prograsm ,there have p:= LA:-LinearSolve(LA:-IdentityMatrix(2)-C, d);
Error, `LA` does not evaluate to a module what does this mean?

can you fix this Error?


@Carl Love  In(x) means math  Natural logarithm  Inx !!

@Carl Love integral mean is math Expression ∫

@Carl Love   In(x)  not X !

@Carl Love integral means maple Expression int(f,x)

@Markiyan Hirnyk  I do this is not true? 

@Carl Love you are right!  x^4 !!!

why this question anwser is   f=(5y^2+7y)x^3+(6y^2+4y+1)x^2+(9y^2+4y)x+3y^2+7+4y, is it equal to above the anwser??



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