
60 Reputation

6 Badges

11 years, 97 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by candy898

I need some help fix my mathematics maple code problem , I define everything my Procedures,and procedures run is ok, but when I using call functions for another procedures  I can not operator my program . For sure procedures is work and correct. if somebody can help me , I really appreciate you help.

I find mapleform software   but I dont know how to use , and does anyone know another method to convert.  I know use 

> with(MmaTranslator);
> MmaToMaple();  

I can  automatically translated .nb files.  but this have  

Error, (in readline) file or directory does not exist
Error, (in readline) file or directory does not exist
Error, (in readline) file or directory does not exist
Error, (in readline) file or directory does not exist

another Error, missing operator or `;`

also I try to use 

> with(MmaTranslator);
> FromMmaNotebook(Mma_notebook_filename, options);

I still dont know how is works?  can you explains for me and show me some example  , here is my example


Does anyone know how to using some softward convert ?  for example  I have maple code , but I want to using mathematica code .I need fast way.

Hello ,

I was using maple as a documentation software and was preparing some notes for my exam. 

The file now opens but most of the content is gone. Even the one which was properly saved.

I see Joe Riel 5676 has solved an earlier case like this. could somebody look at this and correct the file and upload it again please.

computer the Gram-Schmidt orthogonal of (22,11,5),(13,6,3),(-5,-2,-1) belong to R^3.

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