
60 Reputation

6 Badges

11 years, 130 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by candy898

How do you define funtion y"+2y'=0 y(0)=1.solve this question using in maple command!

why are the results of gcd(x^2+1,x+1) mod 2 and Gcd(x^2+1,x+1) mod 2 in maple  different ? 

I know the  `mod`(gcd(x^2+1, x+1), 2);
`mod`(Gcd(x^2+1, x+1), 2);
                             x + 1

but how do you explains this question? give me reason?

 how to find 6x^2 +5x+1 mod 2x+1 ? please using maple slove 

(i)develop an algorithm for computing f¡ÊF[x,y],F a field,where the degree of f in y is less than n and and f(x,ui)=vi; for i=0,1......,n-1, for distinct ui∈F,and arbitrary Vi∈F[x].showthat f is unique.

(ii) assuming that the degree of each Vi is less than m, what is the computing time of your algorithm (in term of m and n)?

(iii) computer f∈ F[11][x,y]such thatf(x,0)=x^2+7,f(x,1)=x^3+2*x+3,f(x,2)=x^3+5.

> 1) letJ subset F[7][x] be the set of all polynomials h in F[7][x] sloving the interpolation problem h(0);
=1,h(1)=5,h(6)=2. computer the unique polynomial f∈J of least degree.

2) find a surjective ring homomorphism ×:F[7][x]->F[7]^(3) such that Ker×=={rm:r∈F[7][x]};and computer ×(f)and×(x^2+3*x+2).

3) show thatJ=f+Ker×={f+rm:r∈ F[7][x]}.

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