
60 Reputation

6 Badges

11 years, 130 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by candy898

solve matrix equation Ax+xB=C ? where X_(n\times n), and  A,B,C \ in M_n(R) we are given. write maple procedure and check by a 3* 3 case.


solve matrix equation Ax+Bx=C,x is n*n matrix ,forA,B,C is n*n matrix . write maple procedure and check a 2*2 case.

Find the product of the square root of all prime numbers less than 100.
Hint: The function isprime determines the primality of an integer.

Define a set with elements that are the powers of 13 modulo 100 for exponents ranging from 1 to 1000. Is 5 a member of the set? Why is it beneficial to use a set instead of a list?
Hint: You can determine the set by using one statement if you use the seq command.

Contrast the behavior of functions and expressions by performing the following commands.
a)Define a function f equal to x^3 and Define an expression g equal to x^3
b) Evaluate f and g at 2.
c) Evaluate f and g at y.
d )Assign the value 2 to x. Evaluate f and g.

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