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11 years, 130 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by candy898

computer a Gröbner basis for <f_[1] = x^2*y - 2*y*z + 1, f_[2] = x*y^2-z^2+ 2*x,  f_[3] = y^2*z - x^2+ 5 > belong to Q[x,y,z], using ≺= <_grlex with x≺y≺z. compare your output to the Gröbner basis the Maple computers with a different order.

write a maple package for quaternion must include the following procedures:

1) for quaternion polynomials f, g:  find degree of f , compute f +g ,f-g, fg.

2)for matrices over quarternion polynomials A,B: compute A+B,A-B, AB.

hint using records to represent quaternions.

we use modern computer algebra books

i) computer the GSO of (22,11,5),(13,6,3),(-5,-2,-1) belong to R^3.

ii)trace algorithm 16.10 on computer a reduced basis of the lattice in Z^3 spanned by the vectors form(i).

trace also the values of the d_i and of D, and compare the number of exchange steps to the theoretical upper bound from section 16.3


we use Modern Computer Algebra

let f=x^15-1 belong to Z[x]. take a nontrivial factorization f≡gh mod 2 with g,h belong to Z[x] monic and of degree at least 2. computer g*,h* belong to Z[x] such that   f≡g*h* mod 16 ,deg g*=deg g, g*≡g mod 2.

show your  intermediate. can  you guess some factors of f in Z[x]?


we use Modern Computer Algebra book  

trace algorithm 15.2 on factoring f=30x^5+39x^4+35x^3+25x^2+9x+2 belong to Z[x].choose the prime p=5003 in step.

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