
688 Reputation

16 Badges

17 years, 144 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ccAndrew

Since Maple itself has the old classic style interface why not have an old style classic interface for the application center. 

The new site is fancy and all but it's very slow.  I don't know how I'm going to manage on my dial up.  Yes some of us are still on dial up.  I do like the ability to add comments it's a nice addition but all the extra graphic fluff slows it down.   It seems today people need to turn to flashy graphic eye candy to make people think it's worthwhile.  I don't believe so, the nice text display of the old was faster and an easier interface. 

I vote for a classic applications interface option. 

I think the triangles being refferred to are the filled triangles that open and collapse a section of a document and not the open prompt ">"

I think the triangles being refferred to are the filled triangles that open and collapse a section of a document and not the open prompt ">"

The answer from maplesoft is that it is definitely an idea.  They might have a best of CD available at some point in the future, now that I have put the idea in their heads, but there is currently nothing in the works to do such a thing at this time. 

Sorry for the multiple posts, my connection was interrupted. 

And thank you for that command!  I've been searching for ages to figure something out, you've finally solved it for me.

A while back I was working on something using string tools and plotted numbers from it but later forgot how I did it.  The only thing I found was the convert(x,base,10) command which eventually did what I wanted but not what I had done earlier but it was so annoying that I couldn't figure it out and eventually I gave up trying to find out what commands I used.   Now I realize to convert a string number to it's integer value to use parse.  B-E-A-utiful!  Thanks again. 

This ties up nicely the last question I asked at the end of this thread. 

Sorry for the multiple posts, my connection was interrupted. 

And thank you for that command!  I've been searching for ages to figure something out, you've finally solved it for me.

A while back I was working on something using string tools and plotted numbers from it but later forgot how I did it.  The only thing I found was the convert(x,base,10) command which eventually did what I wanted but not what I had done earlier but it was so annoying that I couldn't figure it out and eventually I gave up trying to find out what commands I used.   Now I realize to convert a string number to it's integer value to use parse.  B-E-A-utiful!  Thanks again. 

This ties up nicely the last question I asked at the end of this thread. 

If I use stringtools I couldn't mathematically manipulate the numbers. 

If I use stringtools I couldn't mathematically manipulate the numbers. 

If I use stringtools I couldn't mathematically manipulate the numbers. 

If I use stringtools I couldn't mathematically manipulate the numbers. 

If I use stringtools I couldn't mathematically manipulate the numbers. 

If I use stringtools I couldn't mathematically manipulate the numbers. 





Sorry, my mistake.  Interesting you should mention about America.  Had I been a U.S. citizen I'd have been correct, but I guess we're all americans on this continent even though I generally consider americans to be from the United States and Canadians not really americans.  More of which is a philisophical issue or just a matter of preference.  However, since the topic has been brought forth surely it was known what I meant when I said American.  I too would have said the same to someone had he said the same thing I said when I chose those words.  As a matter of fact I was debating wether to say america or United States, but enough chit chat.  I will choose my geographical choice of words more carefully in the future. 

I know of at least 5 engineers who have come from the University of Toronto who have never even heard of Maple.  Probably the reason being is they're engineers for which the software of choice is Matlab.  I know of (again an engineering student) who came up from Philadelphia originally from the U.A.E. in Dubai, who said he's never even heard of Maple.  In fact it wasn't until I mentioned it to him that he became interested.  He mentioned everyone down there uses Mathematica and Matlab. 

I Work in the spectrometry field in a multicultural company and I can ask around, scientists and the like, many from India some in Pakistan, Iran, Romania, Mexico, Korea, China, Scotland anyways you get the idea, many people from different areas of the world.  I will ask these people at work next week and let you know their general opinion of Maple.

You are right, though, that people in the high end science areas, and not including engineers, seem to know what's available and do know that maple does exist.  As for what Maple is for?  I think Maple is an excellent learning tool and good for education and research.  I also see that Maple is adding a lot of fluff to it's product, wether that means there isn't much more to be done remains to be seen. 

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