
10 Reputation

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7 years, 209 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by daroloson

So I tried changing the first line of this code
 toolbox_version = getenv('MATLAB_SYMBOLIC');

      if strcmp(toolbox_version,'matlab')

         rmpath([matlabroot ,'/toolbox/maple']);

      elseif ~strcmp(toolbox_version,'maple')
 toolbox_version = 'maple';
and tried
and got
Error using maple (line 178)
Invalid MEX-file '/Applications/MATLAB_R2017a.app/toolbox/maple/maplemex.mexmaci64':
dlopen(/Applications/MATLAB_R2017a.app/toolbox/maple/maplemex.mexmaci64, 6): Library not loaded:
  Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB_R2017a.app/toolbox/maple/maplemex.mexmaci64
  Reason: image not found.
so the problems are deeper than just MATLAB_SYMBOLIC not being set properly.


From earlier I posted


I think it means MATLAB_R2017a.app/toolbox/local/matlabrc.m and the code near that line is:


%   Inserted by the Maple Toolbox for MATLAB installer

The matlabrc gets run on launch and the error is reported before any commands are entered.

updated to Maple 2017.1

so first parts match.

In Terminal, printenv shows neither variable so all that does is


Since MATLAB R2016b works but MATLAB R2017a gets error and both would get the same set of environment variables, I would say something else is wrong.

macOS 10.12.5

Getting different behaviour now for some reason I get in R2017a

Warning: The value '' is not valid\nfor the environment variable
MATLAB_SYMBOLIC.\nSee 'help matlab_symbolic' for more information. 
> In matlabrc (line 257) 

I think it means MATLAB_R2017a.app/toolbox/local/matlabrc.m and the code near that line is:



%   Inserted by the Maple Toolbox for MATLAB installer



      toolbox_version = getenv('MATLAB_SYMBOLIC');

      if strcmp(toolbox_version,'matlab')

         rmpath([matlabroot ,'/toolbox/maple']);

      elseif ~strcmp(toolbox_version,'maple')

         warning('MATLAB:matlabrc:MapleToolbox', '%s%s%s\\n%s\\n%s', ...

                   'The value ''', toolbox_version, ''' is not valid',...

                   'for the environment variable MATLAB_SYMBOLIC.',...

                   'See ''help matlab_symbolic'' for more information.');





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