
1212 Reputation

8 Badges

19 years, 167 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dcasimir

Can the maple function map, just be considered as performing a composition ? v/r,
Did anyone here attend the 2006 Maple Conference ? If so, is anyone willing to share some of the papers from the collected proceedings ? I would just like to see what new exciting developments were created from the global Maple community. v/r,
Again I'm going through chapter 4 of David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, on the section dealing with the spherical bessel functions. Can someone look at my try at a personal creation of a procedure for the spherical bessel functions and tell whether it is correct and also recommend any critiques / improvements ? the user defined procedure is called n[l]. I'm also having trouble zooming in on the plots of the spherical bessel functions created using my procedure. can anyone also help with this problem ? thanks a lot. v/r, Here is the worksheet. View 285_quantmechchapter4sphericalbessel.mw on MapleNet or Download 285_quantmechchapter4sphericalbessel.mw
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Can someone help me to plot the familiar bell shaped normal distribution curve ? I'm using the NormalPlot command with a RandomVariable, but all I'm getting is a scatter plot of points along the line, y = x. Can anyone help me to get the gaussian, bell shaped curve ? v/r,
Is the Statistics package for Maple 11 able to handle, and or deal with conditional probabilities ? I may have to start using Bayes' Theorem really soon. Can you also create your own sample spaces and assign probabilities to the simple events in that space ? I would prefer accomplishing the latter using Maple's pre-defined packages instead of having to create my own, if it is possible to do so. thanks, v/r,
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