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7 years, 308 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dellair

I have a piecewise that exists on a large intervals, say [-5..15], however, I know need the function to represent [1..9].

There are two approaches I know of: using convert(f,pwlist) or using op(n,f), see attachments.    and  PiecewiseTruncate.pdf

However, these two methods are not elegant enough, I have to reassemble the pieces in the new function.

How to make the solution neat?


I really want to use if condition inside of eval and sum, example as below:

sum(eval(y=x^(j),(if j=1 then x=2 else x=3 fi)),j=1..2)

The reason is: the value of x to be evaluated depends on the value of j which differs inside of the sum (in the context of B-spline functions).

Any lights? Thanks,

I have many integrals which I would like to calculate the value. The one in attachment is the simpliest example.

It shows 'too many level of recursion',

I know that it has something to do with the piecewise, however, it shouldn't, right? Any insights?


When using maximize on a relatively complicated function (see attached Maple file and PDF), it runs extremely slow. No return after 3 minutes.

My hardward: i7 2.3G, 8G DDR3 MEM, 500G SSD.

Maybe someone is interested to try the Maple code if your workstation is more powerful? :)


I hope to dynamically generate the function name via for loop, see enclosed Maple file and PDF file.

Any lights are appreciated.


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