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2 Badges

17 years, 186 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by deskset

For any positive integer, N, I need to create an N by N matrix whose (i,j)-entry, i-th row, j-th column, is (((1+j-i)*N+j)/(2+j-i)!) *z(2+j-i) for indeterminates z(0),z(1),z(2), etc. and z(k)=0 for k<0. How can I do this?

I notice that the new format of Maple Primes is completely changed. I cannot find the usual login point of entry.

Also, the search feature in Maple is not able to find matches for more than one word.

e.g. I can enter only ONE of the words "solve" "differential" "numerical" into Maple's search engine. Otherwise, no matches found.

I see dsolve, but a search comes up with nothing for numerically solving the nonlinear system that I have.


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