
Dr. David Harrington

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20 years, 47 days
University of Victoria
Professor or university staff
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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I am a retired professor of chemistry at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. My research areas are electrochemistry and surface science. I have been a user of Maple since about 1990.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by dharr

As the others have pointed out the sum involves roots of a degree 4 polynomial. If you put some values in, then this will give you directly what you want. (I used some random values so didn't get realistic output.)

Download RootOf.mw

Not sure what happened. Here's a way to get around that. Probably simpler to combine all constants into A and B at the beginning.

Download odes.mw

Something like this? (The matrices don't show on Mapleprimes; download the worksheet and run to see them.)



A := `<,>`(`<|>`(2*x, z), `<|>`(-2*x-2, x-2)); B := `<,>`(`<|>`(4*y, 2*y), `<|>`(w, 3))

Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 2*x, (1, 2) = z, (2, 1) = -2*x-2, (2, 2) = x-2})

Matrix(%id = 36893490406780077108)

Meqns := A-B-IdentityMatrix(2)

Matrix(%id = 36893490406780082884)

By default solve assumes =0

eqns := convert(Meqns, set); solve(eqns)

{x-6, z-2*y, -2*x-2-w, 2*x-4*y-1}

{w = -14, x = 6, y = 11/4, z = 11/2}



Download eqns.mw

(For the more usual A.x = b with A a matrix of constants, x a vector of variables and b a vector of constants, use LinearSolve)

For future reference, please upload your worksheet with the green up-arrow in the Mapleprimes editor.
Your nested piecewise expression can be changed to a regular piecewise by simplify(..., piecewise).
You need to solve for y not y_.
Since you want a numerical solution, use fsolve, not solve.
Then it solves and gives the solution 0. You are asking when your piecewise expression 2*AA_=A_, but one of the conditions on each side is that it is 0 for y<=0, and so y=0 is a correct solution.




Required form



limit(f1*M^2, M=infinity);


Find numerator and denominator high and low degrees. Could be (M^6-const)/(M^2*(M^6-const)) perhaps (but no, see below), but can't be of the expected form


6, 0

8, 2

Nonzero powers of M in the numerator and denominator for all even powers. We could factor the denominator into M^2(M^6 + ...) but that's about it.

seq([i,evalb(coeff(nf, M, i) <>0)], i = 6..0,-1);
seq([i,evalb(coeff(df, M, i) <>0)], i = 8..0,-1);

[6, true], [5, false], [4, true], [3, false], [2, true], [1, false], [0, true]

[8, true], [7, false], [6, true], [5, false], [4, true], [3, false], [2, true], [1, false], [0, false]




Download f1.mw


Equation recast in form for ThueSolve

eq := -N*x*y+x^2+y^2 = N

-N*x*y+x^2+y^2 = N

Try for N=9;

eqN := eval(eq, N = 9)

x^2-9*x*y+y^2 = 9

Finds no solutions - for the quadratic case just passes to isolve, which is not up to the task.




Solve just solves the quadratic for arbirary y. But it is clear that if the discriminant were a square and y were even, then x would be integer.

ans := [solve(eqN)]

[{x = (9/2)*y+(1/2)*(77*y^2+36)^(1/2), y = y}, {x = (9/2)*y-(1/2)*(77*y^2+36)^(1/2), y = y}]

Want discriminant a square

deq2 := discrim((lhs-rhs)(eqN), x) = z^2

77*y^2+36 = z^2

This time we get 12 solutions, each in terms of an arbitrary integer variable _Z1

sols := [isolve(deq2)]; nops(%)


Look at the first solution, for say _Z1=1

test := simplify(eval(sols[1], _Z1 = 1))

{y = -240, z = -2106}

Find the corresponding x value

test2 := simplify(eval(ans[1], test))

{-240 = -240, x = -27}

And check it is a solution for the original equation

eval(eqN, `union`(test, test2))

9 = 9

From the form of the equation, changing the signs of x and y gives a positive solution.

soln := `~`[`=`]({x, y}, eval({-x, -y}, `union`(test, test2))); eval(eqN, %)

{x = 27, y = 240}

9 = 9

Check that the original form of the equation returns N

eval((x^2+y^2)/(x*y+1), soln)


For N=49

eqN := eval(eq, N = 49); ans := `~`[`=`]([x, x], [solve(eqN, x)]); deq2 := discrim((lhs-rhs)(eqN), x) = z^2; sols := [isolve(deq2)]; nops(%); test := simplify(eval(sols[1], _Z1 = 1)); test2 := {simplify(eval(ans[1], test))}; soln := `~`[`=`]({x, y}, eval({-x, -y}, `union`(test, test2))); eval(eqN, soln)

x^2-49*x*y+y^2 = 49

[x = (49/2)*y+(1/2)*(2397*y^2+196)^(1/2), x = (49/2)*y-(1/2)*(2397*y^2+196)^(1/2)]

2397*y^2+196 = z^2


{y = -16800, z = -822514}

{x = -343}

{x = 343, y = 16800}

49 = 49

For N=729

eqN := eval(eq, N = 729); ans := `~`[`=`]([x, x], [solve(eqN, x)]); deq2 := discrim((lhs-rhs)(eqN), x) = z^2; sols := [isolve(deq2)]; nops(%); test := simplify(eval(sols[1], _Z1 = 1)); test2 := {simplify(eval(ans[1], test))}; soln := `~`[`=`]({x, y}, eval({-x, -y}, `union`(test, test2))); eval(eqN, soln)

x^2-729*x*y+y^2 = 729

[x = (729/2)*y+(1/2)*(531437*y^2+2916)^(1/2), x = (729/2)*y-(1/2)*(531437*y^2+2916)^(1/2)]

531437*y^2+2916 = z^2


{y = -14348880, z = -10460294154}

{x = -19683}

{x = 19683, y = 14348880}

729 = 729



Download Thu.mw

For Var__phi you have Omega^2[  ... ] (The ] is at the end of the expression). What do the square brackets mean?

Is this supposed to be Omega^2*( ... ) or some unspecified function Omega( ... )^2 or something else.

Your second case can be done by

display(p2, pointplot(eval([x, y], sol[]), symbol = circle, symbolsize = 12, color = black))


You are confused about the worksheet (*.mw) in which Maple runs, and the external text file of Maple commands that are read in to the worksheet (*.txt). Download the following two files to the same directory. Open the EKHAD.mw file by double-clicking (NOT the one you made) and follow the instructions (it has a bit more explanation). Hope this is clear.



(normally I would call the last one EKHAD.mpl, but the Mapleprimes site won't let me upload that, so EKHAD.txt will do.)


If you are willing to center the cube, then you can use scaling to do this. I used geom3d to easily get the vertices, but you could use cuboid. You can reorder lbls to get the order you need.


with(geom3d); _local(D)

cube(poly, point(cen, [0, 0, 0]), side = 2); vs := vertices(poly); lbls := [A, B, C, D, A[1], B[1], C[1], D[1]]


[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1]]

[A, B, C, D, A[1], B[1], C[1], D[1]]

Scale coords by 110% and combine with labels.

tplot := zip(proc (coords, lbl) options operator, arrow; [(1.1*coords)[], lbl] end proc, vs, lbls)

[[1.1, 1.1, 1.1, A], [1.1, 1.1, -1.1, B], [1.1, -1.1, 1.1, C], [1.1, -1.1, -1.1, D], [-1.1, 1.1, 1.1, A[1]], [-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, B[1]], [-1.1, -1.1, 1.1, C[1]], [-1.1, -1.1, -1.1, D[1]]]

pcube := draw(poly); ptxt := plots:-textplot3d(tplot, 'font' = ["times", "bold", 20]); plots:-display(pcube, ptxt)


Download cube.mw

The standard way of numerically solving second or higher order diiferential equations or systems is to convert them to an equivalent system of first order equations. For example

{diff(y(x), x, x) = -y(x), y(0) = 1, D(y)(0) = 0};


{diff(w(x), x) = -y(x), w(x) = diff(y(x), x), y(0) = 1, w(0) = 0};

They both have the solution y(x) = cos(x), and the second also has the "intermediate" solution w(x) = -sin(x). This way, the numerical solvers only need to be able to solve first order odes. In fact convertsys is mainly intended as an internal routine used by dsolve; normally you would just pass the higher order odes to dsolve

Your E2 is too complicated, so I'm not sure exactly what is going on. But in principle, I think you want to do something like this:



a[1]/r+a[2]/r^2+a[3]/r^3+a[4]/r^4 = 7*x/r+10*x^2/r^2+6*x^3/r^3+2*x^4/r^4


{a[1] = 7*x, a[2] = 10*x^2, a[3] = 6*x^3, a[4] = 2*x^4}


Download solve.mw

There must be at least one typo in the notes. Probably you need to follow the derivation up to there closely to see how to resolve this.



Assume a general form for the matrix. a is all terms that have opposite signs in B[1,1[ and B[2,2]; b is all terms that are the same sign in these entries.

B := Matrix(2, 2, [a+b-Omega, c, c, -a+b+Omega])

Matrix(%id = 36893490796494478140)

solve(Determinant(B), Omega)

a+(b^2-c^2)^(1/2), a-(b^2-c^2)^(1/2)

So it is clear which terms have to have opposite signs -the sign of 4*alpha^2*Delta in A[2,2] is incorrect and is changed (in red). The signs of 4*alpha^2*beta*Delta/Lambdamust the same so one of them must be changed (two possibilities - change in magenta).

A := Matrix([[-2*alpha^2*gamma+beta^2*Delta-4*alpha^2*Delta-4*alpha^2*beta*Delta/Lambda+2*beta*gamma*Lambda+2*beta*Delta*Lambda+gamma*Delta^2+Delta*Lambda^2-Omega, -2*alpha^2*gamma-4*alpha^2*beta*Delta/Lambda], [-2*alpha^2*gamma-4*alpha^2*beta*Delta/Lambda, -2*alpha^2*gamma-beta^2*Delta+4*alpha^2*Delta-4*alpha^2*beta*Delta/Lambda-2*beta*gamma*Lambda+2*beta*Delta*Lambda+gamma*Delta^2-Delta*Lambda^2+Omega]])

Matrix(%id = 36893490796494480436)

s1, s2 := solve(Determinant(A), Omega)

We have the required terms before the sqrt

s1 := expand(s1)


However, the term with the sqrt is not correct. Squaring it must be b^2-c^2 = (b+c)*(b-c). Not clear how to get this result.




Download DR_1.mw


Here's one way. (alignment = center is actually the default). There are other options you can play with. For me on Windows the export as .pdf renders everything as you see it. (The actual Table is not rendered on Mapleprimes.)

See ?DocumentTools,Tabulate


p1 := plot(x^2, x = -1 .. 1); p2 := plot(x^3, x = -1 .. 1)

DocumentTools:-Tabulate([[p1], [p2]], alignment = center, width = 50)


Download plots.mw

Maple can find the condtion for 3 real roots but it has the inequality the wrong way round. SCR submitted. But then additional conditions for them to be positive seem difficult.



f := p*x^2+x^3+q*x+r


Returns a piecewise function

sols := Polynomial(f, x, domain = real); nops(%)


For the first condition there are 3 real roots, so this condition is what we want.

cond1 := op(1, sols); sol1 := op(2, sols); nops(%)

0 <= (1/27)*q^3-(1/108)*q^2*p^2-(1/6)*q*p*r+(1/4)*r^2+(1/27)*r*p^3


simplify(`~`[`*`](cond1, 108))

0 <= 27*r^2+(4*p^3-18*p*q)*r-q^2*p^2+4*q^3

Condition appears to be incorrect - following parameters satisfy the condition but don't give 3 real roots

params := {p = 1, q = 1, r = 1}; eval(cond1, params); solve(eval(f, params))

{p = 1, q = 1, r = 1}

0 <= 4/27

-1, I, -I

(For the second condition, there is only 1 real root, so this is not what we want.)

cond2 := op(3, sols); sol2 := op(4, sols); nops(%)

(1/27)*q^3-(1/108)*q^2*p^2-(1/6)*q*p*r+(1/4)*r^2+(1/27)*r*p^3 < 0


Assuming the condition was really that the expression was less than zero, we now we want additional conditions that make the roots positive...




Download cubic.mw

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