
15 Reputation

2 Badges

8 years, 11 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dkdwarf


I'm stuck with maple 2016 as it crashes after a few minutes use.

it did work for a few weeks. It appears that its java crashing,

ive been given no error code or anything. uninstalling java and reinstaling did work.

im running the proper bit version. (64) rollio

tried backrolling windows, didnt work.

tried running it as Administrator no luck, ran it on backward compatibility windows 8 and 7. 

ive run out of ideas the last option seems to be a clean windows install.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


the laptop in question (HP notebook 15-ba005no)

runs windows 10 (64bit)

8gigs of ram

cpu AMD E2-7110 1.8 GHz

128 GB SSD


gpu amd radeon r2


thanks in advance. 




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