
5 Reputation

2 Badges

12 years, 210 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by dritsaev

Thank you for your response.

I am trying to reproduce an economic model similar to mine. The purpose is to find the optimal q[a],q[b]. Thus, I have to solve the following 2x2 system (FOC):

2*q[a]*(q[a]-q[b])*(8*q[a]^3-6*q[a]^2*q[b]+6*q[a]*q[b]^2+q[b]^3)+18*q[a]*q[b]^3*theta-(20*q[a]+q[b])*q[b]^3*theta^2 = 0

16*q[a]^5-92*q[a]^4*q[b]+208*q[a]^3*q[b]^2-124*q[a]^2*q[b]^3+20*q[a]*q[b]^4-q[b]^5+16*q[a]*(q[a]-q[b])*(4*q[a]^2-11*q[a]*q[b]+q[b]^2)*theta+16*q[a]^2*(4*q[a]-7*q[b])*theta^2 = 0

They computed groebner bases, one of which-as they write- is the 12-order polynomial of q[b] which they solved and the result is:  q[b]=0.418*theta. inserting it into the 1st equation gives  q[a]=0.779*theta.

I used the groebner package but i have a 13-order polynomial in q[b] and i can't solve it. Note that all the parameters are real and positive.

Any ideas?

Thank you for your response.

I am trying to reproduce an economic model similar to mine. The purpose is to find the optimal q[a],q[b]. Thus, I have to solve the following 2x2 system (FOC):

2*q[a]*(q[a]-q[b])*(8*q[a]^3-6*q[a]^2*q[b]+6*q[a]*q[b]^2+q[b]^3)+18*q[a]*q[b]^3*theta-(20*q[a]+q[b])*q[b]^3*theta^2 = 0

16*q[a]^5-92*q[a]^4*q[b]+208*q[a]^3*q[b]^2-124*q[a]^2*q[b]^3+20*q[a]*q[b]^4-q[b]^5+16*q[a]*(q[a]-q[b])*(4*q[a]^2-11*q[a]*q[b]+q[b]^2)*theta+16*q[a]^2*(4*q[a]-7*q[b])*theta^2 = 0

They computed groebner bases, one of which-as they write- is the 12-order polynomial of q[b] which they solved and the result is:  q[b]=0.418*theta. inserting it into the 1st equation gives  q[a]=0.779*theta.

I used the groebner package but i have a 13-order polynomial in q[b] and i can't solve it. Note that all the parameters are real and positive.

Any ideas?

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