
669 Reputation

11 Badges

19 years, 311 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by edgar

Is it intended that addition and multiplication act differently here?

> A := proc(s)
if type(s,`numeric`) then return true; fi;
return false;

> A(2);

> A(a);

Which of these do you prefer, and why?

foo := proc(T)


if type(s,`+`) then
r := map(foo,s);



foo := proc(T)


if type(s,`+`) then
r := 0;
for x in op(s) do r := r+foo(x); od;



In this example, look at E1. Is it E2 or E3? We cannot tell from the way Maple displays them. For the answer, keep reading. Shouldn't Maple put parentheses or something in its rendering of E2 at least?

> E1 := f @ log @@ 4;

> E2 := (f @ log) @@ 4;

I knew what to do once, but cannot remember... F(1/j!, j=1..5); ...where... F := proc(X,Range) k := lhs(Range); ... computations of a ... subs(k=a,X); ... end; What do I do to make this subs work...??? k should be 'j', where that 'j' is the global variable.
I found this today, probably a bug in MultiSeries :- series
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