
669 Reputation

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20 years, 50 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by edgar

Those crazy Maple developers.  They thought some user might one day want to use e for something other than exp(1) .... But they didnt' think I might want to use I or D for something else.

Maple Player is still at version 1.0.0 after two years.  That doesn't look promising.


G A Edgar

On my Macintosh...

to run Maple V,6,7 I have to use Sheepshaver and OS 9

to run Maple 10,11 I can use Snow Lepoard (OS 10.6)

For Maple 15,16,17 I use Mountain Lion (OS 10.8)

Maple 12,13 are there on my disk, but it seems no license applies to them any more, so I cannot run them.



Perhaps include a word or two on what IDE is...

It says "unable to match delimeters" because you have five left-parentheses and only four right-parentheses.


G A Edgar

Well, maybe you can show us an example, and tell us what you think you should get.


G A Edgar

After writing it as MultiInt, I just did value and expand.


G A Edgar

After writing it as MultiInt, I just did value and expand.


G A Edgar

For lots on this phenomenon, see "Simpson's Paradox" ... in a statistics texbook, for example.  Or here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson's_paradox 


G A Edgar

You can solve in "just radicals" but the trade-off is that complex numbers are used.  Even though your coefficients are real and your answer is real (indeed, all three zeros are real).  That's the way cubic equations work.  In case you want to read about it, it is known by the Latin name "Casus Irreducibilis" ... the irredicible case.

You can solve in "just radicals" but the trade-off is that complex numbers are used.  Even though your coefficients are real and your answer is real (indeed, all three zeros are real).  That's the way cubic equations work.  In case you want to read about it, it is known by the Latin name "Casus Irreducibilis" ... the irredicible case.

Put in x=-2, Maple simplifies this to 3, not 1.


G A Edgar

Put in x=-2, Maple simplifies this to 3, not 1.


G A Edgar

Drag to solve.  A good idea.  It was an importaint feature in Theorist (MathView) owned by Maplesoft from 1993 to 1999 I guess.  We'll see how well it works in Maple 16 now.


G A Edgar

You don't want


int((x-m^2)/(x+1),x=0..m^2) assuming m <>0;

since this allows m to be complex.


G A Edgar

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