
55 Reputation

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2 years, 5 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by emersondiaz

@Kitonum Thank you a lot for your support.
Is not exacly what I wanted. 
The aim is to replicate the same field vector I got aroung phi direction, at the end it will look like a disk. This is to evaluate each vector in r and phi direction, on theta=pi/2

@sand15 That really helped me, to do the tayor series in the k function. Thank you a lot for your answer, the only I can say is that this is a great community always willing to help.

Here upload the file ended with the advices that you both told me. 


@acer Really appreciate your soon answer, It was what I wanted, thank you so much friend! 

@dharr Thanks a lof for your advice. I did what you mentioned, rescaled all the constants, and change the variable for a dimensionless one, did it works for the radial part. Best regards friend

@dharr Hello dharr, I want to tell you thanks again for all your help, had a lot of significanse for me, and also if can help me again, would want to ask you something else.
I have been working on the equation using different values for the constants; all of them are about physics and the equation represents the wave equation under the influence of a black hole. 
At the time to use greather values for "r" the progam showed the error: "Warning, cannot evaluate the solution further right of .99675383+0.*I, maxfun limit exceeded". Then I used the code maxfun=0 and stepsize = 1000  to see the plot around r=12*10^6 because there is the event horizon of the black hole. The question is if am I using the correct comand? and also on the sencond part is not letting me plot the equation.


@dharr You have done a great job, jus what I was looking for. The value choiced is the better. Now I can see the right way to solve this kind of equations. Really thanks you for your help, 


Thanks also for the explanation about the mistake in the integrand, a great point to take into account.

This day learnt a lot from you, and hope to replícate This in to my next assigments. 

Have a good day @acer, you are a great man!

greetings from Mexico


wow man, I'm really impressed with your answer, is correct and you respond almos instantly. Thank you for you dedication, your time and atention with me. I desire some day got as much knowledge as you have. 
God bless you!!!!!!!

@acer really thanks for your kind answer. As you show is posibly to plot the sequence. Due to your great domain in the subject, I also would like to ask you something else: why  the graph is diferent from the one on matlab? If the code is almost the same.

We both started obtaining the valúes for lambda  that optimize the equation:

-2/3 + int(sqrt(x)/(exp((x-lambda)/tau ) + 1), x=0..infinity);

varying tau in the loop 

@mmcdara I am really thanks for your help.

Best regards friend 

@Axel Vogt thank you so mucho for your support, was really usefull your answer and helpped me to solve a problem in statistical physics.

Best regards 

@Preben Alsholm thanks a lot, is just what i did


phi:= Matrix(10, N, (x,n) -> sin(n*x)); 

best regards 

@tomleslie thank you, your advice helped me, just use the code 


phi:= Matrix(10, N, (x,n) -> sin(n*x)); 

best regards 

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