
44 Reputation

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16 years, 174 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by evrtt103

I want e raised to the power of t. That is why I have exp^(t) Stacey
I started on a new page. and put in with(DEtools) With(Vector Calculus) and did not put in the range I get mostly an ans, but the last step still has an int in the ans. But I think I know how to handle that from work I have been doing integrating some other things. Thanks, Stacey
Changing it to exp did not help. I am going to save my work, close Maple and re-open it. maybe tht will do something. Stacey
My professor gave the the range. I actually have an indef. int. to eval, but he said maple could not handle that and to use the range from t to 0. What I need to int. is actually (1/9)*exp^(4t)*(6/(exp(^t)+t) I have e instead of exp, I used the symboyl section that is available in the left side of the screen on maple. I will change it to exp if that will make the difference. The problem is a denominator of exp^(t)+t. That is part of why I was wanting to use Maple to integrate, this project does not have to be completed on Maple. I am just very rusty on integration. Thank you all for your helpful input so far! Stacey

I hit the post button twice.  Is there away for me to remove one of them or someone to let know to remove one of the posts? 


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