
15 Reputation

2 Badges

11 years, 93 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fixedeggs

Hello everyone,

I tried to evaluate t the limit of a procedure using the command limit('phi1(x)', x = infinity), here phi1(x) is a procedure and x must be integers. I got an error from maple "Error, (in phi1) final value in for loop must be numeric or character". x must be integers in this case. I dont know how to fix it. Is there an option in the command 'limit' thats related to this issue? Thanks for your help!




Hi there,

Is there a semi-definite program package in Maple available? I knew there is a SDP in Matlab. Currently I am running part of my program in Matlab then manually export the data to Maple. Which is quite inefficient. I find some paper about that. But I dont know where to download the code. Thanks!




I recently have a problem when I try to use dsolve/numeric to solve an IVP. Suppose we have diff(y,x) = w(y) and y(0) =  y0. We can solve this IVP numerically by dsolve/numeric. In Matlab, we can obtain y and  the derivatives yp using the command [y,yp] = deval(sol,t) at any time t within the range we pre-defined. Basically, matlab ode solvers return a solution  skeleton first, then evaluate y and yp of the other points by a piecewise interpolation which is called...

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